
Dénia 2012 approves budgets with the support of the government team and CDL

14 March 2012 - 00: 00

Just as planned, the 2012 municipality of Dénia budgets were approved at the extraordinary plenary session held yesterday at City Hall. The surprise was the support of the CDL Mari MartínezThat despite criticizing some of the items such as staffing, he announced their support for the most important document of the consistory.

Josep Crespo, The BLOC, voted against by «el menosprecio mostrado por el equipo de gobierno a los partidos de la oposición, la aberrante subida de impuestos o el incumplimiento de promesas electorales».

The socialist group, meanwhile, announced that they will begin a citizen campaign of allegations against the budgets and the double increase of the IBI.

Thus, Dénia will have just over 55 million euros for this year, down by budgets that 5 2011% over that target and end the year with an initial surplus of 500.000 euros.

extraordinary plenary session to approve the budgets of Dénia 2012

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