
The Fallas de Dénia start with the planting of the monuments and the celebration of the Nit d'Albaes

15 March 2023 - 10: 46

Dénia is already immersed in the fallas spirit. For a few days, the falleros and falleras have begun to raise their monuments in the different neighborhoods of the city, with the aim that everything is ready for the Fallas.

The traditional plantà is one of the most intense and busy events in the different districts of the city. Work does not stop until the monuments are shaped and the desired result is achieved. However, the falleros and falleras take some rest during the night to celebrate the progress made.

En la noche del martes, se celebró la primera Nit d’Albaes en la mitad de las comisiones de la ciudad. Se trata de un homenaje a las falleras mayores representantes de cada comisión, que es realizado por cantaors y versadores al son de la dolçaina y tabalet. Por su parte, las comisiones ofrecen una merienda-cena, habitualmente con chocolate y buñuelos.

La Nit d’Albaes es una tradición muy arraigada y es uno de los momentos más emotivos de las Fallas. La segunda y última Nit d’Albaes tendrá lugar esta noche, en la que las comisiones que no han celebrado la primera tendrán la oportunidad de rendir homenaje a sus falleras mayores.

With the assembly of the monuments very advanced, Dénia is preparing to enjoy some Fallas full of emotion and joy. A celebration that brings together thousands of people every year and is one of the most beloved and anticipated in the city.

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  1. Dani says:

    Las Fallas have to stop being celebrated.
    A lot of noise, waste of money and selfishness (the party is only for the falleros).
    The Bulls also have to disappear.
    It's a macabre party that hurts an animal for fun.
    The republican Denia has to impose itself.
    Spain has to be Republican again.
    A unitary republic without Autonomies, neither Vox nor rich companies that direct our lives.
    A Democratic Republic.
    From the Popular Radical Movement we propose the festive abolition so that student parades with the red book and popular parades are held.
    Television programs must also be replaced.
    Enough of fallas, bulls and processions!

    • CARPEDIEM says:

      What have you smoked? Live and let live. Go live in Pernanbuco

    • Yolanda says:

      Go to China and then you won't have any problems.
      The uniformity of thought without the possibility of disagreeing would make you happier than living in Spain with its different festivals and different ways of celebrating.
      Do not hesitate. Go away
