
"Migrare", the scenic proposal to make visible the difficulties of migrant women in the 8M of Dénia

Event Date: March 08th 2023
Event type: Other events
Site: Consell Square, Dénia
Schedule: 12: 00 h
Event finished

Within the framework of the commemoration of 8M, International Women's Day, the Department of Equality of the Dénia City Council has organized a whole program of activities aimed at raising awareness among the population. It will be this day when the show takes place I will migrate, a mixture of theatre, dance and balance on stilts under the direction of Joan Santacreu.

It will take place, therefore, in the Plaza del Consell on March 8, Wednesday, at 12:00. This will be after the reading of the manifesto by this year's honorees, the footballers of the Dianense women's first team.

In this scenic proposal, the company Maduixa will represent I will migrate through the musical compositions of Damián Sánchez and the choreographies of Cristina Fernández. Thus, the actresses Laia Sorribes, Melissa Usina, Paula Quiles, Sara Canet and Cristina Maestre carry out a story linked to obstacles and overcoming them.

The four characters use stilts in a completely empty scene to materialize "invisible borders, irrational hatred and prejudice" suffered by migrants, especially women. The four women represent the people who must leave their homeland to migrate and are rejected in the place to which they move.

A fight that the company defines as typical of "strong, brave and, above all, resilient women." This intervention highlights the role and situation of women in the migration process, a scenario always full of difficulties and added barriers, as is expressed with the choreographies on stilts, which require a great exercise in concentration, strength and balance.

That same day, in the Calle Marques de Campo, at 19:00 p.m., a feminist channel is scheduled.


The Valencian company was born in 2004 with the aim of developing transversal performances in which multiple disciplines were intertwined in indoor and outdoor shows for the entire public. With the aim of designing their own scenic language, they began to use elements such as stilts, already characteristic of their artistic creations, to create "poetry in motion to move the emotions of the spectators."

Maduixa's proposals have been awarded with prizes MAX (2015 and 2017), Feten (2010, 2012, 2014 and 2020), Valencian Performing Arts (2010, 2018 and 2020), Onda Cero (2019), Moritz 2021) and April (2009 and 2010). The company also has a long international tour, having performed in theaters and festivals in more than 25 countries and being awarded the Dutch Deventer Award.

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  1. Cesar Pino Dominguez says:

    Only the difficulties of migrant women; Is it that the others, born in Denia and Spanish who live here, perhaps are exempt from "difficulties"?
    Fed up with the Ministry of Equality, its branches, let's say legal. thousands of scams, parallel businesses etc. etc And what about supermillionaire salaries and budgets?
    And by the way there are groups of migrants, who live very well. I repeat with many more help than anyone born in Spain. Nobody wants to stop helping whoever needs it. BUT ALLOWING BUSINESSES ON ACCOUNT OF THIS, YES NO! The billions of euros that are distracted from the general budgets with this excuse. They are only serving to enrich 4 gangs of hooligans, ill-prepared, who abuse people of good faith in their own party (possibly) and the complicity of the current government.

    We will have to remedy this, before the rooms are spent on rags, noses, masks, rags and trips to the United States or there in a falcon or whatever they want every time the minister suffers a romp politically speaking ..

    Good Morning..

  2. July says:

    Lots of money that could be used to help people in need.

  3. July says:

    All that money could be spent helping people

    • Ignacio says:

      A lot of money is already "invested" but ends up in the wrong hands. For some it is a very lucrative business.

      • Pierre says:

        être negatif, n'apporte rien, il faut des benévoles et des artistes pour faire passer ce message très important, entre les migrants qui souvent sont de bonnes personnes obligées de fuir leurs pays et les populations. Pour pouvoir vivre tout simply.
