
Gent de Dénia demands to reinforce the taxi service in the most touristic times in the face of growing complaints

13 October 2022 - 14: 08

El grupo Gent of Dénia, La Xara i Jesús Pobre ha presentada una moción para conseguir reforzar y mejorar el servicio de taxis dianense. Dicha propuesta se tratará en el próximo pleno del Ayuntamiento, ya que, como apunta el grupo «en época de verano, puentes y fines de semana, este servicio se ve totalmente desbordado y en muchas ocasiones no se puede atender como es debido a los usuarios».

Gent de Dénia proposes, therefore, the creation of new temporary licenses, for an approximate period of 4 or 5 months a year; facilitate the entry of other companies to improve the service in times of great influx; and establish in the municipal ordinance a table of minimum services that must be fulfilled by the group, also trying to unite the existing groups.

El grupo afirma que durante el resto del año, «la cantidad de profesionales» es suficiente, pero que en otras resulta imposible conseguir un transporte de estas características. Apuntan que los horarios también son clave y pese al aumento de nuevas paradas, estas han estado «vacías todo el verano quedando desatendidas la mayor parte del tiempo».

Consecuentemente, la desatención del servicio por falta de medios, afirman, genera «gran descontento entre los usuarios y provoca, a la vez, críticas y opiniones que dejan en muy mal lugar tanto a los profesionales como a sus agrupaciones. Especialmente lamentables son las críticas que redundan a la ciudad de Dénia, ciudad turística que pretende ofrecer los mejores servicios».

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  1. DETRY MARC says:

    catastrophe en plein mois de juillet deux heure et demi d'attente pour a taxi de dénia marques de campo pour faire
    deux kilomètres et demi, attend from 23:00 p.m.
    Unacceptable situation pour une si une si belle ville comme dénia.
    et les compagnie de taxi vous répondent une seule fois en vous disant qu'il envoie une voiture dans 20 minutes qui n'arrive
    jamais!!!!!!, ensuite ils ne répondent plus jamais au téléphone.

  2. Alfonso says:

    This is a matter to be carefully analyzed, regardless of the casuistry, what could be affirmed is that in Denia, transportation in general is a problem.

    1,- I am concerned that the arrival in Denia from other points of the geography of the Valencian community itself is limited to traveling by car and little more than the Alsa lines, (No trains that provide a service with Valencia, Alicante, …etc)
    2.- I am concerned that internal mobility within what makes up the municipality as a whole is so limited and that it affects the periphery, transport to essential services such as hospitals, markets, etc.
    3.- I am concerned that the taxi drivers themselves mention that they have a limited number of licenses? when it is clear that their volume is generally deficient. It could create a job as well as provide a service.
    4.- I am concerned that Denia's offer continues to be anchored to restaurants, you only have to walk after nine at night on a winter day to detect that there is little or no movement,
    5.- I am concerned about the deterioration of the roads, both for vehicles, bicycle lanes, sidewalks, (you just have to walk along the marina road or towards the yacht club to see that little has been done to update sidewalks... )
    6.- It worries me to see how the front of the port, converted into Baradero, frequently accumulates material, poorly cared for plants, and a reduction in what should be part of the balcony from which to observe the sea.

    But what worries me the most is that these and many other issues "may not cause concern" and enthralled by the myth of restoration may affect the future of the municipality, everything begins and everything changes, so I understand that we must adapt in the time, and be prepared for changes.

    We hope that the number of licenses will increase, that basic services will be covered seven days a week with public transport (being able to go to the hospital…) that services between zones will be covered, …… and that the evolution will be broader, in Denia is lived, as some comment, well, but one must not be conformist and must continue without losing step and communication routes and means of transport in the broadest sense, at the gates of the year 2023 are essential.


  3. Mike Tullett says:

    Taxi service in Denia is probably the worst thing about living here. In the summer, my 80-year-old friend had to wait outside Consum for more than an hour for a taxi to take him and his purchases home. The lack of taxis is really the biggest problem in what is otherwise an almost perfect city.

  4. genoveva says:

    A city that intends to organize congresses, a creative city of gastronomy, with various events, festivals, a city with high tourism, so poor in infrastructure, in all kinds of transport, buses, taxis... first for its neighbors and then for tourists, no you have to pretend to all this. Not to mention the lack of security service, especially on distant beaches such as Las Deveses...

    I have had a similar adventure. Vacationing with my seven grandchildren, I usually make two trips with my car if we have to go to the restaurant. But also very often I ask for a taxi as backup, since we do not fit eight in a car !!!….

    Going out is almost an adventure….Even if you call to reserve a taxi at 20:30 p.m. asking for a reservation for 23:00 p.m., you will not have an answer to your call… And you call again, non stop. without a rest….

    It was not possible for me tonight to have a taxi available, but it was not the only time.

    Yes . We ask for more buses, mini navettes that allow us to leave the car at home. More taxis, to be able to get up to 4 people in them….That saves cars in Denia and in its car parks

    • Luis says:

      Are seven grandchildren coming, I guess with their parents, to visit her and they all intend to go alone with their car? There I see rather a problem of family infrastructure.

  5. Yolanda says:

    The service is really unfortunate. Fifteen days ago I was on vacation in Denia. The holidays are over and since I didn't go by private car, but by public transport, I had to return the same way. I call the day before I leave to reserve a taxi that will be at my door at half past five in the afternoon and they tell me that it cannot be reserved a day in advance, that it is only reserved if I go to the airport and I had to go to the bus station. The same day of my departure I call again in the morning, and they tell me the same thing, that if it is to the airport yes, but the bus station is not reserved, call an hour before or go to a stop. I call an hour before and they tell me that they can't send me a taxi in half an hour, that if I want it now that's fine, but that at half past five they couldn't send me a taxi, and if I don't want it now, that is an hour before. than I needed then to direct me to a stop. I do not know how to explain the anger that entered me. why is there a taxi reservation service if it doesn't allow you to do it and gentlemen if my bus leaves at 6 in the afternoon it seems prudent to be 15 minutes earlier, not an hour earlier on a bench sitting in the best of cases without even being able to have a coffee or a sandwich because that more than a bus station is a stop made with two containers. Going to a stop was a lottery, because no one assured me that a taxi would arrive to take me to the bus on time, so I had no choice but to walk loaded with my suitcase. Conclusion if you go to Valencia airport if you have a taxi but if you have to take a bus to get to the Ave no

    • Luis says:

      Did you walk loaded with the suitcase? From where? How much did he walk an hour? 15 minutes? That does not specify it and if it does not complain about the distance, it indicates that it was not that far. How did you get around Denia without private transport, on foot?

      • Yolanda says:

        Exactly, I walked from the peix and brases restaurant to the bus station with my suitcase and obviously I've also walked around Denia, including the food at the Mena that I went by bus and walked back. 5 km. So I didn't refer to the distance I was because I'm usually used to walking to places, but obviously when you carry a suitcase, even if the distance isn't much, the weight complicates walking. But let's go far or near is a relative matter depending on who makes the comment. The correct thing would be to say 1 KM or 2KM not near or far

  6. Nestor says:

    Some solution has to be given, throughout the year. A serious taxi service is a priority in a population, because there are people who need it as they have no other means of travel. It is shameful that in Denia a taxi is requested and after more than an hour and a half of waiting it does not appear despite our insistence. Unfortunate, very unfortunate.

  7. Luis says:

    Aren't tourists asked to go by bike, scooter or share a car as they ask the inhabitants of here? On top of that they want to put even more taxis to contaminate and saturate everything more? In addition, most of them come with a private or rental car directly from the airports. What really interests Gent de Denia?
