
Citizens Dénia asks that volunteers from local NGOs be included in the vaccination process

May 13 from 2021 - 14: 29

The municipal group of Citizens proposes to include volunteers from local NGOs in the plan of the Generalitat Valenciana, considering that their role is being essential at this time, where the pandemic is affecting many families, and that is why they should be included.

The current situation has exposed the structural deficiencies that have placed many families on the brink of poverty and in need of social assistance. This pandemic has especially hit people with fewer resources and with precarious work situations, turning them into social victims. A situation that has shown the inequalities of a society whose vulnerability indices are worrying.

«La improvisación a la hora de redactar un Plan de Vacunación, ha dejado fuera de él a colectivos que trabajaron en las peores fechas de la pandemia, y que recibían la consideración de esenciales pero que han sido excluidos del Plan», afirma el grupo municipal de Ciudadanos. Por ese motivo, «no se puede seguir cometiendo estos errores con quienes en la actualidad son esenciales para todas estas familias, los voluntarios de los comedores sociales y ONG’s que se encargan de ellos».

The spokeswoman for the Municipal group, Susana Mut, has stated that "in our city, organizations such as Extiende tu Mano, Red Cross, Salvation Army or Caritas, and all included in the Dénia Solidarity Table, are performing an invaluable function of helping all those people who are suffering from the other side of the COVID virus, the need. These volunteers are providing a series of services that many cannot enjoy right now, and we are not referring to luxuries and perks, but simply to put something in their mouths ”. He stressed that "these volunteers are overexposed to the possible contagion of COVID and we believe that we must protect them so that they continue with their altruistic social work." The orange spokesperson also highlighted that "we hope that all municipal groups adhere to the proposal to give it the category of Institutional Declaration, thus showing them gratitude for their magnificent work." Its function is not only being logistical but it also encompasses a very important emotional support work at this time, especially in people who are not prepared for this blow, if it is ever prepared for this.

On the other hand, the orange councilor Estefanía Schwamb, has clarified that "the increase in vaccines received in recent days, is allowing to accelerate the vaccination process, but continues to forget about these" essential "volunteers, as has already happened with other groups such as example Civil Protection. For this reason we are going to urge the Government of the Generalitat to include the volunteers of the Associations that are members of the Solidarity Table, in the Vaccination Plan based on the essential work they are doing to provide food and basic necessities to all those people affected by the economic crisis caused by COVID 19. "

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  1. Hans-Joachim Kuhl says:

    I am Hans-Joachim Kuhl, I am a resident since 2007, I got the SIP card in March. But I still don't have an appointment for the Covid vaccine.
    My wife is vaccinated, my friends are vaccinated, my neighbors are vaccinated. I don't have an appointment.
    I have been going to Centro Salud for weeks asking when they will give me an appointment. The answer is always give it back.
    Why doesn't it work, why can't I get an appointment.
    Who can help me.


    Hans-Joachim Kuhl

  2. Pepe says:

    Let the tourists do it.
