
GdD asks the City Council to place pictograms on zebra crossings to promote autonomy for people with ASD

May 05 from 2021 - 13: 51

the municipal group Gent of Dénia, has presented this morning a proposal for the installation of pictogram sequences at pedestrian crossings for people with autism spectrum disorder.

ASD is a disorder of neurobiological origin that affects the configuration of the nervous system and brain function, giving rise to difficulties in two main areas: communication and social interaction and flexibility of thought and behavior. People with ASD have a problem developing language and some take longer than others to start speaking. For this reason, it is much easier for them to communicate through illustrations or pictograms.

The group of Gent de Dénia has requested the City Council to initiate the necessary procedures in collaboration with TEAVIAL for the incorporation of the sequence of pictograms "for, look, car stopped and cross" in all the pedestrian crossings near the educational centers of Dénia, expanding this action to all the steps of the city progressively. This TEAVIAL project consists of the placement of four pictograms with the aim of standardizing and improving mobility on public roads for people with autism spectrum disorders.

From Gent de Dénia they consider that this measure will promote the autonomy and independence of people to move around the city, at the same time that cognitive barriers are eliminated. They also point out that it would make Dénia a more inclusive and accessible city. "We propose this measure initially for the areas near schools and in those points of greater traffic and use, gradually implementing these pictograms, as they are repainted and creating pedestrian crossings in the municipal area", underlines the training.

1 Comment
  1. Omniway says:

    Of course, these people from Gent de Denia are working on it. I think more than the rest of the opposition as a whole.
    Let's see if we remember them in the next elections.
    Although unfortunately, it will happen to them like all the other political groups of the city council when they propose something, they will be ignored because contributing ideas is not well received by the current municipal government.
