
Opinion of the PSPV in response to the PP: «Because I'm worth it, NO. Perquè coneixem i complim la Llei »

23 2021 April - 18: 21

Diu fled the Popular Party that the government team vol "to hand over the municipal ownership of the Santa Llúcia Residence without any kind of social and political consultation." I have followed a decision announced "a thing done." Two affirmations, tanmateix, that there is no more to show, one more vegada, l'escassa formed and rigor of the regidores and regidors of the PP If you hastily declare them, grab a press owner when you fly, lead to incompetition demonstrations. Because exercising the càrrec de regidor is more than just one night a month at the Ple and looking for the easy news.

For being a councilor, cal, sobretot, be-hi informat, format, assessorat o, almenys, have enough humility to request the pertinent information before launching accusations sense fonament.

If the popular edils s'hi make an effort, they will know or do well, that they manage to assign the competencies over the Santa Llúcia Residency, of municipal ownership, to the Generalitat responding, simply, to the obligation to comply with both. the legislation in force in the autonomous community with respect to the socio-sanitary infrastructures.

Specifically, Law 3/2019, of February 18, of Inclusive Social Services of the Valencian Community, in the first transitional provision, specifies that “the Generalitat, in agreement with the one who establishes the Strategic Plan of social services of the Valencian Community Valenciana will promote the process of progressive transfer to the Generalitat of the infrastructures and equipment of secondary care and of the services of day care, of ambulatory care and of alternative allocation of primary care, of ownership of the local entities.

But it is that, moreover, the actions of the Conselleria d'Igualtat i Polítiques Inclusives per a promoure eixa transferència ja s'an initiat i passat 30 de novembre de 2020 es va rebre a l'Ajuntament de Dénia letter from the Autonomous Secretary of Planning and Organization of the System in which information is requested about the Santa Llúcia Residence, in the framework of the general study of the situation of the residential centers (secondary care) of municipal ownership that is developing to donate compliment to l'esmentada llei i "advance in the traspàs d'infraestructures of autonomic competence". Between a few questions, they will request information on the ownership of the property, the urban situation, the type of management and the employment relationship with the staff and an economic memory of the center.

Let us remember, gentlemen and gentlemen of the Popular Party, that you have access to the general registry of the council in order to be informed, at all times, of the requests that are received.

Aclarit this extremity, that the transfer of competencies on residence to the Generalitat is not a municipal decision, nor a decision capable of being consulted, but the result of a regulation of competencies molt necessary, also volem deixar molt clar des de l ' Government team that this future possibility, sense you end up facing, neither cap concreció quant a the passes to follow, does not suppose cap threat per the center, nor for the citizens of Dénia, nor for the benestar of our majors, nor for the qualitat de l'assistència that hi reben. Because of the public nature of the continuous residence guarantee.

Els temps canvien, senyores i senyors del Partit Popular. I des of the political responsibility of the governents that advance in the regulation of specific purposes for abandonment to the arbitration, and also of the interests, of the successius popular governments that during decades have disunited the public health and social services system.

Els temps canvien, senyores i senyors del Partit Popular, i cal estar-hi al dia. Ara, the citizenry did not fear that the Conselleria assumes the competencies that will be released, as in 2014, because the Popular Party does not govern the Community.

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