
Opinion of María Mut (PP): "What the truth hides or the hand that rocks the cradle"

January 29 from 2021 - 10: 20

The plenary session today has been rare, rare, rare.

The news of the irregular vaccination of Mrs. Morera that this week has seen the light has left us all speechless. It is difficult to believe that a woman like her has made this serious, very serious mistake. She praises her that she has resigned, but nothing exempts her from the mistake she made in accepting to be vaccinated, skipping so many priority people who need that vaccine.

But rarer and stranger today was the play of PSOE Denia regarding the motion requesting the commission of inquiry regarding the news of the week.

I explain, the Party presents a motion requesting a committee of inquiry, as has been carried out many other times in this Town Hall and as the PSOE has often requested when the PP governed. And an hour before the plenary session they tell us that "it is not legal." Take now! and they present us with another in which the Denia socialists eliminate any possibility of investigating and finding out the truth. Disillusion yourselves: if you don't want to investigate, it's because you're not interested.

Let's play to find the differences.

1.- The PSOE does not want an investigation commission, it wants it to be investigated in the Ministry. And who is going to investigate it? The head of Public Health? The one that marks the vaccination protocols? So that everything remains hidden and we do not find out anything until a journalist manages again to bring to light the truth that is now being stolen from Denia citizens? Much confidence does not give me this, but hey.

2.- The PSOE speaks in its motion of "150 irregular vaccinations in the Region", according to news from some media. Still less confidence.

3.- Why don't they talk about the relatives or all those who were vaccinated with Mrs. Morera when she has already recognized that her husband was also vaccinated?

4.- Why does the Mayor affirm in the singular that “jo no ho sabia” regarding said vaccination? Did someone on the government team know?

Having said all this, we can only wait for the report that is supposed to be issued by the highest authority in Public Health, the highest head of that department. We will see what it tells us about it and what measures are taken in this case.

  1. pituca says:

    The councilwoman's husband was also vaccinated ??? Anyone else in the family ?? The scandal is huge, if not only she was vaccinated. All this should be clarified.

  2. Jopart says:

    Ridiculous kindergarten policy. If the vaccine had been destroyed, it would not be good either.
