
All municipal groups will vote in favor of having teachers vaccinated in phase 2 of the process

January 25 from 2021 - 11: 26

The plenary session of the Dénia City Council will present a motion to urge the Government of Spain to prioritize teaching staff in Phase II of the Vaccination Strategy against COVID-19, as well as non-teaching staff who work in educational centers during school hours, such as school cafeteria monitors, porter staff, guards, therapist or assistance staff for students with special educational needs.

According to the motion, together with the public health care system, the public education system is one of the great bastions of the Welfare State to provide its population with a life horizon of greater security, well-being and social equity. So much so that all of the Autonomous Communities, within the scope of their competences, have opted for presence in the classrooms, "Some of them, such as ours, with strong investments in increasing teaching staff, reducing ratios or increasing canteen staff", has remembered Rafa Carrió, spokesperson for the municipal group of Compromís.

The Interterritorial Council of the National Health System has not yet confirmed concretely the groups to which the vaccine will be administered in the next phase, therefore "At Compromís we believe that the protection of front-line personnel in the educational field, teaching and non-teaching personnel who work in close contact with students is a basic protection measure in the school environment", explains the mayor assuming that "Including teaching and non-teaching staff is a positive message for students, families and teachers about safety in the educational system".

The motion, shared by Compromís with the rest of the political groups (PSPV, PP, Citizens and Gent of Dénia) in a meeting of spokespersons, had their support and will be taken to the plenary this Thursday as a joint motion of the entire municipal corporation, "A fact that denotes the good will of all the groups to work and agree hand in hand in moments that are so complicated and require unity and meaning", Carrió wanted to highlight.

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