
The PSOE accused the City of breaching the ordinance regulating green spaces

13 September 2011 - 10: 29

The Socialists of Dénia accuse the government team of violating the Regulation Regulatory Ordinance of green spaces and the urban landscape of Dénia that was approved in the 18 plenary of December of 2008 in the remodeling of the squares of the City Council and the Consell.

Plaza del Consell de Dénia

The ordinance mentions a study by the consistory in 2003 in which the city did not reach the recommendations in the number of trees in some European agencies.

Vicent Grimalt, Socialist spokesman complaint "Having complied with these regulations recommended in the Plaza del Ayuntamiento and the Consell will not be a solariumWhere no human being able to enjoy the places while the sun shines "; and that the street Diana does not have a single tree, "Something unheard of if it will be a pedestrian street and of course, contrary to what recommends this legislation".

Grimalt continues to regret that the government team ignore the suggestions of PSPV-PSOE and noted that "We hope Ana Kringe stop bad advice and act in compliance with the ordinance immediately for both the street squares and Diana may have more trees. "

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  1. Marta-to says:

    Allergy to the tree, from what it seems is what they suffer, lovers of rust. It is curious that the missing trees are mutating into different species, namely: umbrella tree, table tree, ghost tree, announcer tree ... depending on the surrounding needs. How wise is nature!

  2. Fair-Poor says:

    OK Marta-to.
    Before and during, but Now !! Let's be serious, gentlemen, you knew it, because ACT when it touches….
    By the way, how much is THE LINEAR METRO OF RUSTY GARDENER, with how elegant some trees would have been according to the criteria of the Municipal Technician regarding the type of tree, separation between them, separation of buildings, even if we plant them only in a side of the street ... in short, everything that has to be taken into account in these cases.

  3. Marta-to says:

    Why didn't you say so before, budgies? Or had they not seen the "great" project of yore?
    They are behind with the regulations, that, before. Now, I don't know what could be done, but I do know what you do …… Anyway, why else…
