
Opinion of Pepe Doménech (Beaches councilor): «Les platges de la nova normalitat: una responsabilitat de totes i tots»

May 29 from 2020 - 14: 12

In the last few days, abans fins i tot which is confirmed by the entry into phase 2 of the de-escalation of the Valencian Community, from the Town Hall of Dénia have announced the special mesures that will be adopted in the nostres platges for the reimbursement is imminent. Dilluns, finally, podrem tornar-hi. But we must be aware that the nova normalitat de quant tante es parla is also applicable to the platges: this will not be a typical summer season and advise that the insurance be guaranteed, also to the platja, it is a responsibility of all Ciutadania, residents and visitors.

I to Dénia, precisely, I had no excuse for not keeping strictly the mesures de seguretat and distance: 20 km from the coast donated to molt and garanteixen that moltes persones puguen gaudir de la platja sense agglomerations. Eixos mateixos 20 km are the ones that also require an extra effort to deploy, along the coast, a special device of neteja, vigilance and information adapted to this new normality and adapted, also, to the peculiarities with differentiations. of Marines, la platja àmplia d'arena, i the Rotates, amb moltes cales small rock.

This is an extraordinary situation and with such a hem d'enfrontar-la, also the city. If they have installed the passarel·les senyalitzades in 26 accesses, the income will not be for a moment, the mumps will be in the area of ​​Platja. In each entry hi trobareu indications on the delimitation in three franges of the non-aquatic area (but to pass by the sea, light the sun and play or play). Per decomptat, the vigilance is reinforça, with the ship and the drone of the Local Police, and the agents hi patrol in quad. And the Creu Roja volunteer, enguany, more than fer-se càrrec del servei de socorrisme, lasted to terme a campaign of information and sensitization to peu de platja.

Ho tenim tot preparat i previst, doncs, per a obrir les platges de Dénia i que, poc a poc, I will recover some normality, that to our city the city is inconceivable to the sea. Ara, yes, yes, we need you: please follow the instructions, keep the interpersonal distance of at least 2 meters; I remain responsible and respectful, more than mai, with the people who surround you on the platform; If this is the case, choose a nou punt per a prendre el bany, feu-ho, perquè, evidentment, the agglomerations are not permanent and if they will act if they are produeixen; diversify your hours…

Totes and tots can posing molt de la nostra part per to contribute to what this new normality is solid, sense rebrots and setbacks, and sense need to renounce our way of life and the gaudi d'un privileged natural environment.

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  1. Rosa Maria Gutierrez says:

    In attention to the Councilor of beaches: Please, when you make statements in public media, would you be so kind to do it in Spanish, that we understand all those interested in your explanations and unfortunately we do not know the Valencian ??
    Thank you very much

  2. Yves says:

    Please think of those who do not master Valencian and who are interested in what this man says.
    Thank you.
