
Grup Nodrissa extends the term of its photographic contest and attends mothers electronically

16 2020 April - 01: 00

The known Photo Contest «Breastfeeding Marina Alta» extends its photo submission deadlines due to difficulties due to confinement. At the moment, it is extended until April 30, «aunque empezamos a pensar que no va a ser suficiente y que probablemente habrá otra prórroga», says Laura Pacheco, president of the Grup Nodrissa. The main difficulty to participate is in the impossibility of moving to print and send the photographs, as established in the bases. For this reason, the organization of the contest has decided to extend the online registration and the reception of photographs until April 30.

The attention of Grup Nodrissa continues during this quarantine

The Grup Nodrissa keeps the lactation workshop suspended, which was stopped even before the precautionary state alarm decree. But as Laura Pacheco explains, «Aunque nada puede suplir las tardes en el taller y el hecho de compartir con las madres, intentamos compensar la carencia con teléfono y whatsapp». They are available for any questions or problems on the phone 630445076 (Laura), 690638578 (Vicen), 670494650 (Ana), 699985521 (Patri).

Under normal conditions, the lactation workshop holds its meetings every Thursday afternoon from 17:00 to 19:00 at the Health Center located on Avenida Joan Fuster in Dénia. «No son clases de lactancia, sino que cada una tiene su momento para explicar lo que quiere contar, opinamos, la acompañamos, y no se juzga a nadie»Laura Pacheco explains. At the moment, they do not have a definite date to return to their activity.

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