
A dianense's odyssey to return home from Italy

28 March 2020 - 01: 00

Last Tuesday, March 24, the Spanish Government organized a repatriation trip for the Spaniards who remained in Italy, including Alberto Blanquer, a 32-year-old Dianense displaced there for work reasons. The ferry left from Civitavecchia bound for Barcelona, ​​and in Alberto's opinion, "The ship was a place of great risk of contagion, because security measures were not respected."

In this video, recorded during navigation, many people give their opinion on the treatment received from the authorities that should help them manage their return home.

Alberto's testimony

Alberto, a professional yacht painter, has been part of this trip. He was in Italy hired on time to paint a boat, when a positive case of coronavirus arose in the dock where he had to work. For this reason, everything was paralyzed. He was in Viareggio, next to Pisa, and had to take a four-hour train to Rome and from there to Civitavecchia.

«Many people did not have money to return home»

He does not complain, because he has been luckier than many of his travel companions, since the costs of his repatriation have been assumed by the company that hired him, but "Many people did not have money to return", he tells us. Alberto contacted the Spanish embassy and the consulate, and they did not solve anything. «The attention for repatriation has been quite bad, they were saturated», Explain. In fact, they did not inform him that there was a boat available that was being prepared entirely for Spaniards: "I found out because I called to insist on my situation".

El viaje

According to Alberto, in the port of Civitavecchia they were not prepared to give them the attention they needed: they spent many hours in the open air being very cold, and the temperature measurements they took were doubtful, because they showed temperatures below normal in a person .

To board the ferry to Spain, he had to sign a responsibility statement stating that:

  • In the 14 days prior to shipment, he had not been in contact with anyone diagnosed with COVID-19, nor with any close contact of a COVID-19 case
  • At that time he had no fever, cough, or shortness of breath
  • He promised that during the 14 days after entering Spain, he would isolate himself at home, self-monitoring the symptoms of the coronavirus.
  • If during the 14 days after entering Spain you had symptoms of an acute respiratory infection (cough, fever, or a feeling of expensive breathing), you would contact the health authorities of your autonomous community by telephone.

However, after this detailed statement, there was no control on the ship to keep the safety distance.

Arrival in Spain

«When we landed in Barcelona they did not give us any type of test, and you had to make a living to get to your city»Alberto explains. Already in Dénia, he has implemented all the necessary measures: he has communicated his situation on the phone enabled for it, explaining that he has just arrived from a country of risk, and is following all the recommendations.

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  1. Ruth says:

    It is very very bad. When they arrived in Barcelona, ​​everyone should have been in quarantine for 14 days. This is exactly how it has spread so quickly in Spain
