
The City Council responds to the PP: "Who is going to dismantle the Department of Urbanism?"

February 13 from 2020 - 15: 15

Entenem l'oposició of the Partit Popular to the pla de xoc per millorar the operation of the department of Urbanisme. L'entenem perfectly. Because if in the quatre anys of the previous legislature, both the resources so limited and what this area has to say, we will begin a transformation of the city not seen in anies, what can not be done with the necessary reforms…

Els entenem. L'horitzó in which the PP Dénia s'allunya could return to govern.

But beyond the sound of irony, this is also the benefit of the memory that is going to dismantle the department of Urbanisme that will be the title of caòtic. The irruption of the pentapartit leadership pels populars to the municipal governor, of the mà d'un transfuga, is going to be premiered by a popular band of easy foundations but predictable consequences and friendly to llarg termini: l'amortització d'un name of places of the municipal workforce that at llarg d'uns anys are going to reduce the human resources of molts departaments, also, per decomptat, in Urbanisme.

L'estalvi pressupetari is going to be advertised so de bombo i platerets. But the preu de l'externalització de serveis that he is going to follow, but to make up for the lack of personnel, is to fake sota la catifa. In these moments, the threat of the crisis has become real and the urban light bulb is going to deflate. Tanmateix, of the urban management of the populars (during a legislature directed by María Mut, ara regidora in l'oposició), neither go eixir endavant the public works that this city claimed from fa anys nor, also, the General Pla. I això that, for posing an exemple, the sol·licituds d'obra major in 2010 will be 52. In 2019, the xifra will assolir them 150.

But in 2020, in a context of economic recovery pel qual totes i tots ens felicitem, the department of Urbanisme continues to have insufficient resources, inheritance of the PP's amortitzacions; In addition, the town councils have, however, the greatest nurtures to create new places.

I malgrat les mancances, Urbanisme works at ple rendiment per a traure endavant:

  • Volum creixent de llicències d'obra major i minor corresponents to the recovered economic conjuncture (between 2010 and 2019 les xifres s'han triplicat).
  • The nou General Pla, which could be listed in 2021 according to the mateix conseller de Territori.
  • I els projectes that donated continued to the process of transformation of the city and the endowment of necessary structures.

Of fet, the PP of tot això not in parla. It is always easier to try sort amb l'estratègia de l'insult, the populism and the utilització indecent d'un col·lectiu, in this cas dels treballadors of the construction, but to try to discredit sense arguments. I did not understand that the PP s'erigisca in portaveu de tot a sector amb els representatives of which the person in charge of Urbanism and Technical Services met to inform them of the mesures aimed at expediting the department. Perquè is tracta de mesures demands pel mateix sector.

Hopefully, it has been said that they have mishandled to insult and disregard the feina d'una regidora and company of Corporació, l'aprofiten per to congratulate the quan els primers resulting from the xoc pla is facen evidents.

  1. Francesc says:

    VoxVicentete is not diu visca, say live, paleto.

  2. VICENTETE says:

    Those who pay the IBI, Exaciones, communities, transmissions and the increase of 40% of the salary of the mayor sociata. (The scoundrel is well hidden in the program) Of course very progressive, feminist, animalist, antifascist, (Well, I wanted with a hammer in the head) and all the istas that can occur to them and that we reside in Alicante do not understand anything about What this individual says.
    Please also in Spanish.
    Official language of the Kingdom of Spain, First language as the mother tongue of the world and the second most spoken in the world, after Mandarin Chinese. Spoken in 23 countries as a first language and in the USA with 30% of its Spanish-language inhabitants. And as a second language in countries like Brazil, Portugal ..
    And here with this mayor paleto we cannot understand those of one town with another.
    The psoe is shit punctured on a stick. An excrement of puigdemon, mas y torra and the violator husband of the goggles of compromis. The Valencian left is trincona, falsaria and the mammals of the Nazi onalists who have kidnapped our beloved Catalonia. Visca Valencia and Visca Spain.

  3. Jose Luis says:

    In Spanish, please, so that we can understand each other, OFFICIAL LANGUAGE OF SPAIN?
