
[Survey] In favor or against the realization of a macro festival in the natural park of La Marjal?

January 16 from 2020 - 13: 39

Since it was published that next summer the abandoned Safari Park will host a music macro festival, there have been many people who have celebrated it. And it is a logical reaction since in the Marina Alta there is no event of this magnitude, in addition to having the organizers of the Medusa festival, one of the most massive of the genre.

However, more and more voices have spoken out against this event. A logical response as it will be carried out in the natural park of La Marjal, although it has these privately owned lands, and the 15.000 daily visitors expected at the festival, as well as the waste that these will generate, could negatively affect the rich environment, fauna and vegetation.

A tricky issue that from Dénia.com we want to take you. Are you in favor or against its realization? We are interested in your opinion so, in addition to participating in the survey, we would be grateful if you would argue your point of view in the comment box.

  1. Ana says:

    No wonder, people are very unconscious and the park would be like a dump, I think it is not even a place to think about making such a party.

  2. Isabel says:

    The difficult thing is to think that positive activity for the environment and for the economy can be implemented in these areas, perhaps:
    - an equestrian refuge, which seems like a quiet activity ...
    - a center for interpretation and study of nature with a watchtower over the marsh, with a small library and cafeteria with views of nature ...
    - robotics or hydraulic engineering workshop or center ...
    - and with the obligation of users that access be by bicycle or by electric vehicles.
    Of course, celebrating a macro festival is obviously harmful to the natural environment of the majal and to the protected birdlife of the SPA.

  3. ninota says:

    Ninot de falla will be you, do not be entertained, but people ignore how you are, how is mon is.

  4. Miguel Angel Arbona Munoz says:

    First that the safari grounds are not a natural park, second a hotel complex with the approval of the environment is projected and third in its day the safari already received thousands of people a day and throughout the year, not just three days. At least the area that now looks like the jungle will be cleaned

    • Lucas says:

      Wow ... a whole deputy mayor answering, what interest is he defending? when you are clearly seeing that the opposition of the people is total ???
      The first, YES is within the natural park, impact buffer zone, and if unknown, inform yourself. And obviously, it requires authorization from the Ministry.
      Second, a macro-festival has nothing to do with kilowatts of sound, more than 15.000 people, for three days scaring away all the living protected fauna of the Marjal natural park, than a hotel complex with low visual and environmental impact, where the people are going to "rest", not to have parties, or thunderous noises.
      Third, the people who went to the safari were not thousands of people a day, that's totally false. There were people who accessed with his vehicle visited the Safari and left, mostly children, with an acoustic impact and on the natural park, void. Of thousands of people nothing, it can be that hundreds, and the days of influx.
      And fourth, to remind you, if you do not know, that half of the plot of the Safari is in the municipality of Dénia. Have you talked to that town hall? or do not plan to consult anything?

    • Eduardo Bellver Alberola says:

      When you say that it looks like a jungle does it mean that there are bugs in the brush?
      Who has grown many herbs that are the ones that come out in their natural state in these wetlands?
      So, when cleaning, they cut off native flora that provides shelter for local fauna.
      Have you thought about covering it with plastic?
      they say that the plastic lasts a lot on everything yogurt containers

      • Orchard says:

        Xe quin asquet of ecologists and fault ninots. The festival is fará, and the later hotel also. It is a pity that this area is morintse of disgust and ple of rates, and for a volta that they raise traureli trellat and llocs de treball to the people… The 4 ninots de semper queixantse. Neusen to suck and redeu

  5. Anonim says:

    He totally disagreed that it was a festival that produced an award for a protected area. I do not understand how some can see the positive part, I am not consuming natural resources for the economic benefit of some quants! The one who has to take care of them, because in compte de fer a macro-festival does not invest in Spain in donating feina to foresters to be able to repopulate in other towns, you study on the fauna and flora of the marsh, try to protect the species in perill d'extinció, etc. Besides, not even talk about the acoustic and light pollution that is caused by the festival, and how it will negatively affect the fauna and flora; Expect that the Pla d'Ordenació dels Recursos Naturals (PORN) is pronounced negatively davant a barbarity like that and the competing organizations have a bit of trellat and do not authorize such esdeveniment. I do not return that the natural landscape that dits the coast of home, it is evil. The natural spaces are to protect-not destroy-themselves.

  6. Bea says:

    It is not that it "could affect" it is that it will negatively affect fauna and flora. Not to mention how dangerous that road is and the waste that people can leave, which will not all be civic. Honestly, it's not the place. Doing the festival would be a great initiative… in another location.
    Even more so if it is done "a las bravas", announcing the festival and the sale of tickets without having the corresponding permits or having requested them, such as extorting the administration to grant them. It is a very serious lack of respect for citizens and an attack against our natural park that attracts so many visitors. Are we really going to slaughter our natural wealth for 3 days of benefit for a few?
    80% of people have voted against, the answer is clear. We don't want the macro festival at that location. Now the ball is on the roof of the leaders: listen to the people and put an end to this nonsense or completely ignore the people.

    • Gallic says:

      We know that we need nature to survive, the world is talking about pollution and the waste we generate, are we really going to risk getting contaminated in this wonderful environment? The festivals bring from, massive displacements of trucks and vans that could step on bird eggs to give an example, going through noise that would displace part of the fauna, or all the garbage generated that could end up in the environment or being displaced to the sea, by that what reaches water areas is normally displaced to the sea.
      There are many places where it could be done without being in this environment.
      Let's respect nature, flora, fauna.
      People are talking, 80% do not want it done and it is not for selfish reasons, it is because we are becoming aware and do not want to destroy more ecosystems

      • Carmen says:

        I am from Jaén, my comment and vote, the same is of no use, but the public, as I am reading here and I totally agree with the comments, is a natural park and you have to respect it one hundred percent, the macro festival lo I would destroy everything even if it's three days, I don't know if you've heard of Etnosur? let's say it's like a macro festival, because here in the town of Jaén they do it on the third weekend of July, well they leave the town in disgust, so imagine how they can leave the park? My opinion is yes to the festival, but out of the park and keep the natural spaces that we are so lacking. Thank you

  7. Vanessa says:

    Who has had such a brutally bad idea? That area in a natural park where there is fauna and flora, where it has to be respected, is a very beautiful space of nature, we have to protect it, and we no longer have memory of the natural damage that has occurred on the planet like the Amazon or Australia??

  8. Pablo says:

    Obviously, it is not enough to declare a space as a Natural Park or another protection figure. We must be consistent and avoid those activities that are not compatible with the preservation of the natural values ​​that motivated their declaration.

  9. Eduardo Bellver Alberola says:

    the acoustic impact will be brutal apart from the one that produces the realization of all the necessary infrastructure for the development of the event and let's not talk about the eco-civic behavior that the attendees will have can have irretrievable effects for the flora and fauna which I do not explain to who it has happened to mount something similar in a special protection space

  10. R. Cesar says:

    Where we want to go! Let's leave the park alone, take care of it and, if possible, prohibit hunting and fishing and the transit of vehicles to unauthorized persons.

  11. Ricardo says:

    It is a tremendous barbarity, I do not want to think badly of politicians who can claim to give relevance to an event of this type, within a natural park. Let it be done, but somewhere else, or no longer interested? Will there be any economic interest? I hope that the competent bodies, not the politicians, are sensible and do not authorize this atrocity. We are going to load the Marjal, and shortly the planet.

    • Pablo says:

      A protected natural space should never be sacrificed for such an event. Better that they know us for the defense of our natural spaces and for being a sustainable society than for providing a cheap festival ...

  12. Beatriz says:

    As ecological as they did (if that were the case) the environmental impact of so many people and with so much noise in a protected place is huge, the stress created on the local fauna, the disaster that people make when they get drunk by surroundings, etc, all that can not be controlled and as we have the planet it is time to think less about money and fun and more in protecting what little we have left, that every animal has the right to a life in peace and not only humans.

  13. Ingrid says:

    If we want things to change in favor of the planet, and with that, in our favor, it is important to start with what is within our reach. This is no place for such an event, its consequences would be very negative for the marsh, for animals, protected species and rice fields that would end up full of garbage. Is the party really worth it?

  14. Itziar colodro says:

    It is outrageous to carry out this event so close to a protected Natural Park in the middle of nesting and breeding of species. The consequences can be dire for the balance in that ecosystem so necessary for life and society.

  15. Marc says:

    No natural events are held in natural parks.
