
Agustí S. Espí (Compromís): «The region is more than sun and beach. The region is poble »

09 October 2019 - 14: 03

Compromís ha celebrado esta mañana su ya tradicional acto del 9 d’Octubre en la plaza Jaume I, al cual han asistido medio centenar de personas, además de representantes políticos del municipio y la comarca.

«Somos personas humildes, pero valientes con tal de defender aquello que nos une», defined the councilwoman Eva Round on the day of all and all Valencians, in an act that, in addition to celebrating the culture and history of our territory, has been used to vindicate all the demands for which the formation claims to fight from the institutions and in the opposition. «Nos tenéis a los 3 concejales para cualquier cosa. Tenemos que hacer fuerza», asked the mayor.

Strong criticism of the City Council's conformism with exploitation

The act was joined by Agustí S. Espí, a member of the local formation, representing the young voices of the Valencian movement. «No viví el franquismo, pero sé de dónde venimos y quiero ser parte activa en nuestro futuro», said Espí in a speech addressed to young people, to whom he asked for more mobilization and awareness. «Gracias a nuestros padres hoy podemos disfrutar de la música en nuestra lengua», commented in reference to the performance scheduled for this afternoon of La Fúmiga.

He has also had words towards the controversial statements of the mayor, Vicent Grimalt, in which he claimed to be aware that there were black jobs around the local hospitality but could not do anything about it. Espí has ​​claimed to have suffered as a student and that things can be done to change it. «Si se sabe que se está explotando se pueden hacer campañas de concienciación para que a los explotadores se les caiga la cara de vergüenza», he pointed out assuming that «no toda la hostelería es así». «La comarca es más que sol y playa. La comarca es poble», sentenciaba Espí.

First act as Més Compromís

The issue of labor exploitation has not been the only criticism that the local government has received. Also María José García, a candidate for Congress in Alicante, has launched a poison dart to the Grimalt team for the institutional act they have organized after eliminating it years ago. «Nunca hemos utilizado este día de forma oportunista», Garcia stressed before going on to talk about the state political situation, whose lack of consensus to govern has crossed out «ridículo histórico». No obstante, ha animado a los presentes a levantarse e ir a votar en noviembre. «Comboi; one thing that Valencians do very well, and now it's time to play comboiarse».

After the speeches, the act has closed, as every year, with the offering of flowers to the statue of Jaume I to the sound of the muixeranga.

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