
The Falla Darrere del Castell to Safir Malonda, faller major of Dénia 2020

May 23 from 2019 - 09: 53

Estem proud of you, Safir

T'hem vist naixer, creixer, riure, plorar, somiar ... I ara et veiem regnar. Enguany you are the privileged to bear the name of the failures of Dénia per tot arreu i saberm de bona mà que ho faràs molt bé ... You are going to fall in love with the Community and you fail them just as you have fallen in love with us.

The commission of Darrere Del Castell t'acompanyarà in aquest viatge. Gaudeix every second, because whoever you can buy, you will return home ... I hope you will be able to get there.

Estem molt proud of you, you have arrived at the highest of the world of failures and desitgem a any ple de vivències i felicitat.

T'estimem Safir.

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