
These would be the councilors that would compose the City council according to the Dénia.com survey

May 19 from 2019 - 00: 55

La survey conducted by Dénia.com One week after the municipal elections, which we published this Saturday, 17 in May, the next 26 in May left a clear socialist victory.

ayuntamiento de denia desde la plaza

If these results are met, these would be the councilors who would form the municipal corporation for the next four years:

PSPV-PSOE (11 councilors)

Compromís (3 councilors)

Party (2 councilors)

Citizens (2 councilors)

United We Can (1 Councilor)

  • Alexander Rodenkirchen

Gent of Dénia (1 councilor)

Vox (1 councilor)

  • Felix Redondo Crespo

According to these results, the leftwing block would add a total of 15 councilors (PSOE, Compromís and Unidos Podemos), with the right center block being made up of 6 councilors (PP, Citizens, Gent de Dénia and Vox).

In the last legislature, the left block has been made up of 13 councilors (PSOE, Compromís and Podemos), and the right center block had 8 ediles (PP, Citizens and Gent of Dénia-Center Unificat). Thus, the Dianense left would increase its advantage in two councilors compared to 2015.

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