
The Popular Party denounces irregularities in the purchase of the ship of the municipal crane

February 19 from 2019 - 12: 23

El Party de Dénia has denounced a series of irregularities in the purchase of the current warehouse in which the vehicles removed by the municipal crane are deposited. Last Friday, in an extraordinary plenary session, el equipo de gobierno aprobó la solicitud de un préstamos de 1’6 millones de euros con el que hacer frente, entre otros gastos, a la compra de la nave por 960.000 euros.

nave de la grua de denia

Now, the popular group considers that the purchase does not meet the technical requirements necessary for its acquisition, seriously violating facts «como la no disposición de informe del secretario municipal ni del inspector de la policía local, corroborando la viabilidad técnica de la compra de dicha nave», Say in a statement.

In addition to considering it a purchase «desproporcionada e innecesaria», the popular denounce the disastrous state of the ship to acquire, with roof of uralite, with the serious problem that it has for its composition of asbestos, the null ventilation, with the consequent respiratory danger for the workers and the lack of control of the vehicles, with hundreds of them stacked on the side waiting to be discharged and sent to the scrapyard.

On the other hand, the popular criticize the lack of rigor of the current government team in the realization of the contract for the exploitation of the municipal crane, being deserted in the last tender. At present, the city works with an external company of another population that has to travel daily to Dénia.

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