
The Falla Baix la Mar continues with its commitment to equality and records the program 'Women We Had to Be'

26 October 2018 - 06: 35

As is already known, La Falla Baix la Mar he makes a clear commitment to equality and his continuous activity with this commitment is latent week after week.

After the talk Liderem la Festa, the Falla Baix la Mar continues with the editing of the recordings of the program Women We had to be with the faller Cristina Morera Vengut, who always belongs to his commission.

cristina morera falla baix la mar

Morera has always been occupying different positions of responsibility among which stand out: quotas and lotteries, secretariat, festivities, Fallera Mayor in the year 2004, Fallera Mayor de Dénia in the year 2006 and pregonera de las Fallas of the City in the 2008 year.

From Baix la Mar they describe Cristina as a woman in capital letters, who works for equality and believes firmly in her, "With his words it seems that full equality is getting closer."

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