
The women of Baix la Mar lead the party

17 October 2018 - 19: 08

La Baix la Mar fails ha demostrado que su compromiso con la igualdad en la fiesta y fuera de ella no tiene límite. La pasada semana, y en el marco de las celebraciones del 9 d’Octubre, el casal acogió la charla Liderem la Festa, en la que varias mujeres de la comisión y vinculadas a las failures They gave their vision about equality at the party.

Participated Mayca Ramos, Elena Llorca, Tere Vallalta, Amparo Petrie, Chelo Ferrer and Gema Roselló, talking about their experiences and their aspirations to achieve full equality.

charla sobre igualdad en la falla baix la mar

In the same act, the manifesto of the Pacte Valencià Against the Violence of Gènere thanks to the voices of those who have held the position of senior falleras in the fault, Mariví Morera, Rosario Guardiola, Davinia Catalá and Elia Ballester.

The commitment to equality has been expressed with the commission's request to become part of the Consell de les Dones from the Municipality of Dénia, shows that the road that has begun in search of full equality in Baix la Mar has no end.

asistentes a la jornada liderem la festa en baix la mar

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