
The III Gastronomic Meeting of the Caldoso Rice pays homage to the vegetable that saved lives in the postwar period: la guija

Event Date: 27th October 2018
Event type: Other events
Site: Poor Jesus
Schedule: Round table: 12: 00 hours / Lunch: 14: 00 hours
Home: 12 euros
Event finished

La Marina Alta joins one more year in the promotion of gastronomy and the recovery of traditional recipes in a new edition of the Gastronomic Days Què fem broth to the Marina Alta?. This meeting takes place around a traditional recipe of our territory, generally forgotten by the new generations.

3 jornada que fem del caldo a la marina alta

The pebble

For this third edition, and coinciding with the 80 anniversary of the bombings of the Civil War, tribute will be paid to the legume that served as a support for many families of the Marina Alta in the postwar period, the guija or almorta. To this end, a recipe for arròs amb guixes cultivated in Jesus Pobre.

The guixa is a legume of survival, very present in the gastronomy of Castilla la Mancha, that some farmers of Jesús Pobre continue to cultivate. Thus, in March the plantation was carried out, which was collected in the month of June and immediately froze to be used in these days.

Round table and menu at the Gran Riurau

La 3rd Gastronomic Trobada de l'Arròs Caldós It will be held on Saturday, 27 October, in Jesus Pobre. The day will begin at 12: 00 hours with a round table at the EATIM on The peg and post-war feeding in charge of the municipal archivist of Dénia, Rosa Seser; and the chef Miquel Ruiz.

At the 14: 00 hours the menu of this edition will be served at the Gran Riurau de Jesús Pobre consisting of salad with local products, olives, sausage from the Marina, oil cokes made with old wheat grown in Jesús Pobre and rice with pebbles. For dessert, sweets and cakes will be offered, as well as wine and mistela to accompany.

For the elaboration of this menu there is a rice pump cultivated in Pego; the peg cultivated in Jesus Pobre; Xaló wines and pastry desserts Victoria of Ondara, all of them united under the umbrella of the Innovation Office of the Creative City of Gastronomy in Dénia.

Tickets are priced at 12 euros and can be purchased at the Aehtma offices (Passeig del Saladar); the EATIM of Jesús Pobre or the Hotel Costa Blanca from Dénia. The menu will be served for 180 guests.

Rice workshop with pebbles

Prior to the celebration of the day, the October 22 will be held, in the CDT of Denia, a workshop in which women of Jesus Pobre will cook this traditional recipe that will be recorded on video for posterity. They will not be alone. On this occasion they will cook hand in hand with Miquel Ruiz, who will present a reinvention of the recipe.

In the presentation of this third day the mayors of Dénia, Jesús Pobre, Ondara and Pego were present, as well as the Secretary of Aehtma, Reme Cerdà.

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