
The fault Campaments to Carla Vinaroz, senior infant faller of Dénia 2018

May 18 from 2018 - 15: 36

A few days after her farewell as the maximum representative of the Xicalla Fallera de Dénia, Carla Vinaroz is the recipient of the affectionate words of her commission, the Campaments fails:

T'esperem at home Carla, Fallera Major Children at Dénia 2018

Avui fa gairebé an any of that phone that et va fer complir the somni de tota xiqueta fallera, somni of which are a punt to awaken.

Both the illusion, innocence and vitality have carried the name of the city there on has anat, captivant with the presence of deniers and visitors.

carla vinaroz fallera mayor infantil de denia 2018

Carla, nosaltres estem molt proud of you, perquè has represented the nostra festa amb l'esperit i l'essència that Campaments ens caracteritza.

Tornes to house, with the cor ple of vivències and experiències that t'han fet gaudir of the point of view more special that they have them fail.

Ara gaudeix of what remains to the coast of Melani and quan juntes tanku vostre 2018, remember that home t'estem esperant.

T'estimem Carla

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