
La Penya Gastronòmica La Cata awards the 2017 Cata d'Or award to the Tasca La Rebotica restaurant

February 22 from 2018 - 13: 54

The restaurant Tasca La Rebotica de Xàbia won the annual award of La Cata d'Or 2017 awarded by the Gastronomic Penya Tasting as a restaurant that is best valued for its components during the regional route of the 2017 exercise.

2017 taster award

As every year, the members of this club visited a total of six establishments throughout the region, and the Javiense restaurant finally won the first prize. The club dedicated the year 2017 to the octopus, and asked each restorer to include a dish with this product that later qualify as "dish of the year", an award that is expected to be unveiled next week.

In addition, in the last meeting of the club, the president of the day, David Riera, recalled the participation in the assemblies of the director of CDT Dénia, Pepe Vidal; the president of the Association of Restauradores de Xàbia, José Manuel Piña; or the representatives of Denia&Marina Alta #TastingLife, who presented the project of Dénia Ciudad Creativa de la Gastronomía to the components of Tasting.

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