
We can denounce the need for more professionals at the Les Rotes Children's Center

February 05 from 2018 - 16: 56

The deputy of Podemos Fabiola Meco has recently visited the Center for Minors of Les Rotes, a visit that is part of the route that the deputy podemita is making to the reception and reception centers for minors in the Valencian Community.

In Dénia, Meco has denounced the need to incorporate more professionals to the center, specifically states that "Missing a psychologist, a social worker and more educators, since the casualties are not covered". During her visit she was accompanied by the councilor Álex Rodenkirchen, who stressed that the demands and proposals of Dénia reach the Government of the Generalitat thanks to the deputies of Podem: "We have a very fluid relationship with Valencia and they value the work of our Circle positively. For the parliamentarians of Podem the Marina Alta is priority".

The podemitas also coincided in their concern about the fact that the corrupt businessmen continue to maintain contracts with the public administrations and concluded that "Poverty and corruption today are two sides of the same coin: there is a transfer of resources that are all at the hands of a few. Convictions are not enough, we want to legislate to return the stolen".

1 Comment
  1. Podemita_Lider says:

    the podemitas xddd
