
The writer Àngels Gregori participates in a meeting with the students of IES Number 3 of Dénia

January 20 from 2018 - 02: 34

Wednesday, January 17 in the multipurpose room of IES NXNXX Dénia was held a literary meeting with the writer of poetry of Oliva, Àngels Gregori. The students of 3º of high school participated in the event and it was organized by the Valencian department.

angels gregori con los alumnos del ies numero 3 de denia

Según relatan desde el centro, se trató de un encuentro muy enriquecedor en el que se recitaron varias poesías musicadas de Àngels Gregori por parte del alumnado. El acto estuvo patrocinado por el Ministerio de Educación dentro del programa de fomento a la lectura «Encuentros Literarios»

Àngels Gregori Parra was born in Oliva at 1985 and lives in Barcelona since 2003, when she started her university studies. In 2003 he received the Amadeu Oller Prize for unpublished young people with the collection of poems Bambolines. At nineteen he created the International Poetry Festival of Oliva, and since then every year he has directed the organization.

visita de angels gregori al ies numero 3

In 2007 won the Ausiàs March Prize of Poetry of Gandia, with Llibre de les Brandàlies. In 2010 he received the Alfons Magnanim Prize for Poetry for the work New York, Nabokov & Bicicletes. And, also, in the year 2013 received the Poetry Prize of the Floral Games of Barcelona with the poems Quan érem divendres.

Àngels Gregori Parra holds a degree in Theory of Literature and Comparative Literature from the University of Barcelona, ​​a Master's in Cultural Management also from the Open University of Catalonia, with the dissertation The Poetry Festivals as a means of dissemination directed by Jaume Subirana, and Master in didactics of Catalan language and literature. He is currently doing the thesis on the poetry of Marta Pessarrodona. His work has been included in several anthologies of poetry and has been translated into several languages, such as Italian, Castilian, French, Croatian and Asturian.

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