
«El florit pensil» takes the prize for the best work of the 21 Mostra de Teatre «Ciutat de Dénia»

12 June 2011 - 00: 26

Last night the awards of the XXI Edition of the Mostra de Teatre Ciutat de Dénia. The award Best Actor was shared for Abraham Arena and Javier Díez, of the company Sahara Teatre Of Elche, for the work "... of lice and actors", And the prize for the Best Actress went to Bethlehem Jara, from Taules Teatre, For its interpretation in "The whore in love", Work that also took the prize to the Best Director, By Alfredo Zamora.

For its part, the work "Illusionists", of the company The perrica Jerez, won the prize for Good use of Valencian, and the Best work, prize awarded by the public, was "The florit pensil ", By Andres Sopeña and interpreted by the company Passeig Teatre Of Cullera.

Mario Passero, director of the Mostra, presented a Special prize To Conchín Olcina and Mª Carmen Mut, two spectators who follow the Mostra since its first edition.

In this way, all the works participating in the XXI Teatre Show Ciutat de Dénia Obtained recognition, besides being part of the history of the contest.

After the award ceremony the Valencian company kauen Teatre They represented the work kauen.

The Mostra will be closed this afternoon, starting at 20 hours, with the performance of Tonino Guitián in the pub Dorian Gray, Where he will represent the work "Songs of Trance and Fugue". Admission is free.

As every year, the collection of the Mostra will go to an association. In this case, the proceeds from the entries to the representations will go to Marina Alta Solidarity.

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