
Franck Robert from Center Fisiobioestètic: «We cannot imagine how hard it is to be born, physically and emotionally»

02 March 2017 - 10: 57

In most cases, crying is the first act of life of human beings. Its role is essential and has a strong symbolic value.

Having spent more than nine months in a secure environment, now the baby has to face new sensations: your body no longer dependent on his mother, feels space around it, the temperature is lower and should start breathing on his same.

At birth, the baby makes a series of coughs and groans that help you clear the airways from amniotic fluid, and usually end up becoming tears. This helps air to circulate more easily, opening the pulmonary alveoli, allowing start the flow of life.

Beyond circumstances, birth and crying are accompanying an act of survival. Baby claims his desire to live.

Crying baby or when a baby cries is not inevitable but an act of communication. Therefore, whoever had their hands on a crying baby will sense your soul and body falter.

Babies do not cheat, do not lie and do not hide. They are the mirror of what they live. A baby's smile is as deep as their cries. This cry we can sink into despair will not forget, because it reflects our own fears suffering.

Why is my baby crying?

In most cases the baby will cry if you have sleep, hunger, cold, fear, loneliness, sadness, tiredness, pain or discomfort. Recognize what the child expresses is essential to meet their needs, understand it will become exciting.

But sometimes, despite all our utmost attention, there seems no way to relieve your baby and crying becomes a torture for those who feel desperate and unarmed. Ever take the doctor and, if anything, the problem will be solved. Other times, it has nothing clinically and our ordeal was repeated other and sometimes because their discomfort is not related to the disease but with his body, which does not leave him alone.

We can not imagine how hard it is born, physically and emotionally. The body and skin are the strength and memory of our first experiences. As Dr. Frederick Leboyer said "we must not forget that the five senses are one. And they all extensions of the skin. "

Babies with their crying give us the opportunity to help. "It is through our hands we talked to the child, we communicate. Touch is the first language of the child, understanding comes much after feeling. "

The expert hands of a professional will never find the meeting point in the baby's body to release that tension that no other expression than that cry that is repeated over and over again in the same situations.

Son numerosos los síntomas donde podemos ayudar al lactante, desde una simple tortícolis, problemas de sueño, cólicos, reflujo, dificultad para mamar, para respirar, pérdida del apetito, llantos sin razones…

Always rewarding and wonderful to return to this small being a smile and freedom to express themselves and feel exist through your body.

Franck Robert
expert in osteopathic therapy nursing over 18 years of experience Physiotherapist. Contact him on the phone 628156392.

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