
Institutes of the region create educational exchange network ConviMa

01 March 2017 - 05: 30

The secondary schools of the Marina Alta have joined in ConviMA, A local education network that serves as a meeting of the educational community of the region. ConviMA offers educators the opportunity to share experiences, resources, challenges, and problems and solutions.

presentacion oficial de convima

ConviMA (Convivim the Marina Alta) born of the impulse and the need to network with successful references as ConviElx o confluence 340. One of the fundamental intentions when creating ConviMA was that educational issues impregnate the social and urban fabric in which the centers are located. From ConviMA the importance of networking and collective solutions arises and also give voice and role in this task to local and regional institutions.

In February 2016 they were held in Denia I Jornades d'Educació de la Marina Alta: Emotions, convivència i felicitat en l'escola, Which will continue this year with a few days of exchange of concrete experiences among centers that are part of ConviMA and they will be held this spring.

asistentes a la presentacion de convima

Among its main objectives, it aims to increase ConviMA coexistence and the relationship with municipalities, creating a permanent reflection seminar bringing together representatives from all areas to invest in education to recover the union spirit. ConviMA bet on an inclusive training and greater coordination between the centers of the region. In this regard, the experiences already made in the Marina Alta institutes may be an example for other counties centers, creating a great opportunity to share activities.

At the official presentation of ConviMA, held in Maritime station Denia, intervened mayor of Denia, Vicent Grimalt; the head teacher of IES de Gata de Gorgos, Pablo Ferri; A representative of CEFIRE, Mabel Villaescusa; the director of the UA, Antonio González Picornell; and Territorial Deputy Director of the Department of Education, Toni Vaquer. The event was attended by representatives of the institutes of several municipalities in the region, which could taste at the end of a wine of honor made by students of IES María Ibars.

asistentes a la presentacion oficial de convima

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