
Opinion Sergio Benito (C's): «Word of Chofre»

14 October 2016 - 12: 26

Although I believe that the human being is composed of body, mind and soul, this does not mean that my conviction and my formation make me deeply rationalistic in solving problems of material origin. For others I recommend Yoga.

A bridge is not held by faith in the calculations of the engineer. It is not magic, it is science. That is why the law requires that the design of a structure be accompanied by an appendix with all the calculations and so anyone with the right knowledge can verify that everything is correct.

Sergio Benito Rios

Bendito sea el método científico, que nos ha hecho desterrar la superchería y los argumentación ad hominem (aquella la que se basa únicamente en la reputación de la persona). «Método científico», del griego y latín, «camino hacia el conocimiento». No tomen mi palabra, compruébenlo.

Precisely that is the method, in which every statement must be able to stand up against the checks. One who is offended when others try to verify his claims is simply a fool. What a person does with a theoretical training technique still makes it more obvious.

That an area is floodable because «lo digo yo y el Patricova» And there is nothing to do because «lo dicen mis ingenieros», In response to a request for the calculation data (which will not give us until all «esté cocinado» In his own words) is an argumentation (and a way of proceeding) so petty that I admit it has left me completely stunned. Thus the Saladar is abandoned forever for future floods. Total, it's cheaper «una mano de pintura en bajos y garajes y algunos coches cada cierto tiempo que las obras necesarias para evitarlo». That without presenting a single figure. Neighbors of Saladar and Patricio Ferrándiz find out that for PSPV - Compromís the security of their properties and in some case of their lives does not deserve a debate. And that is just an example.

Pero no se preocupen, ya se me ha pasado. No podemos estar más en contra. Ya lo saben. Perdón por haber confiado en su discurso de transparencia y consenso. El gobierno «progresista» vuelve al sistema de siempre. En el que se redacta un Plan General como un dogma de fe y los recursos ante la ley lo acaban tumbando.

With the record that we have, trusting the whole effort of a whole city to the word of a person, or to an invisible team, which refuses to debate and defend itself with data and arguments, seems to me a sin of such great arrogance that prudence obliges me to Stop typing here for not starting with insults. But we'll see each other.

Sergio Benito Rivers
Civil engineer
Councilor for Citizens at the City Hall of Dénia

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