
animalistic associations call a performance against the Bous a la Mar in Dénia

Event Date: July 10, 2016
Event type: Other events
Site: Marqués de Campo Street
Schedule: 9: 45 hours
Home: Free
Event finished

10 next July, several animal associations will meet in Calle Marques de Campo Denia to demonstrate against the Bous a la Mar during the celebration of Dénia parties in honor of the Santíssima Sang.

Performance against els Bous a la Mar in Dénia

The call is being mobilized by social networks and is expected to be "the greatest action against animal abuse", for which they have encouraged the participation of members of animal associations and individuals who do not share the celebration of the Bous a la Mar nor show any animal in the street.

By far they have confirmed their participation in this performance partnerships Vegan Strike Group, PACMA, Animal Planet, Salvacan, Association Against Animal Torture and Maltreatment, Greenpeace, Animal Nature, Gladiators for peace, Animal Equality y La Voz del Toro.

  1. Catalanista Fasciston. says:

    They not long ago ate two good entrecots in Santa Eulalia. The unique 2 and militants of these two asociciones in defense of animals.
    Right Eusebi ...

  2. Rosamar Cascalafuente. says:

    Carcundia progressive Leninist begins to expand its plague of estomagante moralizing.

  3. animalista_rectilíneo says:

    It's a shame that in order to eradicate these so-called "traditions" of the Paleozoic and defend the rights of the poor animals, one has to go through the hoops of these avant-garde outdated flower-eating neo-progressives.

    Hippies vs hicks. I put popcorn in the micro.

  4. Josep Sanz says:

    These are anti-Spanish
    Bulls are just an excuse.
    Are the same fascistic of all carcundia can and vague dog-flutes funded by zp and Maduro.
    Denia protects their traditions and respects the bull.
