
Your airport transfers are easy and cheap thanks to Beniconnect Travel Agency

09 June 2016 - 15: 00

The best and only company transfers airport is economic Beniconnect Travel Agency.

Thanks to Beniconnect your trips to the airport, be comfortable, easily accessible and above all, at the best price. This summer, go on vacation by plane will not be problem, because Beniconnect takes you to the airport from Denia or from any location on the Costa Blanca. And you bring it back, because the routes are in both directions.

rates Beniconnect

Disfruta de los viajes ‘Costa Connect Shuttle’, desde Dénia, por tan solo 28€. Además reservar tu viaje en Beniconnect es muy sencillo, desde su página web podrás obtener toda la información como horarios, lugares de recogida, reservas, etc.

Beniconnect Travel Agency offers its shuttle service, shared buses, 7 days a week, for flights leaving or entering from 09: 00 until 00: 00 hours during the summer season. Perfect gifts for your vacation!

Think no more. Forget about taking the car this summer and learn and on the website Beniconnect: Www.beniconnect.com.


Contact Beniconnect Travel Agency

Camí Salt of L'AIGUA 15, Benidorm
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  1. Van Couteren says:

    Kostprijs vervoer 1 person with kleine hond 4kg
    Van Alicante airport to Calpe
    Voor 10 maart 14u
