
Emilio Sentí says goodbye to the presidency of Jovempa with a letter to its affiliates

07 December 2015 - 00: 00

Deu dies em queden per such deixar el càrrec de Presidente de Jovempa Marina Alta, for which I have had the pleasure of making myself responsible for 22 months. Today I have been accompanied by a great team of people. We shared and grew our joint experiences in these times of our lives that I decided to dedicate to the Association of Young Entrepreneurs. We have many private institutions and public organizations, the town halls and the public administration, we have spoken with Justice and fins and all with Hisenda, with the collectives, associations, cooperatives, communication meetings, we have participated in debates, lectures and meetings. Always trying to look for that person who is always there for the right abbreviations or intangible logos and multiple vegades separators. Per sort they have faced people who sit at your cost and talk from you to you, because they know that everyone shares the mateix space and moment (quina meravellosa coincidence). These last ones are the ones that have really donated value to the time and effort that we have dedicated to this unifying project.

Emilio Sentí

Hem speak with many Entrepreneurs (those who neither smoke cigars nor go on xofer) those who rise to the 6th of the morning use the tools and spend 10 hours a day working to live with dignity and are good people.. Empresaris in majúscules, d 'Success or not, they are always pending of everything, and that they do not rest or diumenges, do not hit anything to vorer with restructuring, reinventing themselves so as not to lose a piece of work, a family, ufffff is molt dur.

Officials who are left behind by us, who understand the system and try to facilitate it without success, excellent professionals who are trapped in a sterile system of ideas, real illusions and sense of purpose. Traders, scientists, advocates, notaries, workers, technicians, artists, musicians... people who do not know how to find a problem in this social failure, crisis of values, that unfortunately we are living. Journalists who write what they see and others who write what they are interested in…Politics of those who fly and cannot and of those who can and do not fly. We hope to have brought a little light to some of them. Això is comforting.

Hem visitat les Valls, de la Vall del Pop fins a Gallinera, de Segaria al Barranc de l’Infern i d’allí a Ebo i Alcalà. De la mar blava de Marina Ibars, als blancs de Sorolla passant per el marrons de Ruano Llopis, i gaudint del color de Miguel Vaquer…el port de Denia, the Rotates, Cova Tallada, Cap Negre, Portet, Montanyar, l’Arenal, Cap Prim, cap de la Nau, l’illa del Descobridor, Grandella, Moraitg, morro de Moraira, el Penyò d’Ifach…senzillament espais fantàstics. I també per suposat hem gaudit d’eixa gastronomia pel camí, Ca Morell, Casa Pepa, allà al Collado amb eixa fideuà de Pato, Sa a la l’Escoleta, l’arròs al forn de la meva sogra…sublim.

But the one who has omplit, sense dubte, has continued to connect with the people; thanks to tots. Ins emportem many bons amics and amb wins de mes: Person, Culture, Region, and Company…a local point of view with a global vision. Fins avui, tenim això. Deu dies remain per cloure and it is a good moment to look a little enrere, sols a little, and value. Ens veurem per el camí. Adeu! Hello! Good luck!

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