
Compromís demands a fair financing and to recover the identity in its celebration of October 9

09 October 2015 - 17: 44

Despite the weather threatening rain, the coalition Compromís per Dénia mantuvo su acto de celebración del 9 d’Octubre en la capital de la comarca, que reunió en la plaza Jaume I a medio centenar de personas que quisieron celebrar junto a ellos el día de los valencianos.

The group's spokesman, Rafa Carrió, It was responsible for introducing the act and parliaments. He is according to Carrió "It is a day to celebrate our roots, our culture and our territory". Carrió thanked the people who last May put their trust in them because that "It becomes a huge responsibility."

Offering flowers Compromís

Pere Mayor, former Secretary General of UPV, the BLOC, Ontinyet councilor and deputy in Les Corts, welcomed the fact that times have changed and govern their training both in towns like Denia and Les Corts. Still, he regretted that there are many things that can not be controlled even within the government: a Europe that does not work for other people and for financial and banking institutions.

As for the State, Mayor reported that the inhabitants of Valencia do not receive the equivalent of what they bring to the national level. Regarding the entry of the new government in the Generalitat Valenciana, Mayor explained that "It is impossible to pay the more than 40.000 million debt, and it will have to become a state debt due to the lack of financing that we have suffered".

Without solving the debt problem, and receiving money received from the central government, explained Mayor, it will be difficult to maintain the current model of society. Mayor called for a reflection on who we are and where we are to know where you have to work and improve the situation.

Rafa Carrio and Pere Mayor

At the end of his speech, Mayor had a memory for militant Paula Espí, who died a few weeks ago, which aroused the excitement and applause of the public. Thanks to people like her, she said, "Many people have worked selflessly for this project."

Then he spoke the councilor of the City of Dénia Eva Round, Who made a much more personal speech. Ronda recalled his childhood living in Valencia talking and singing traditional songs and living the most deeply rooted traditions of the Valencian culture, facts "They have made me who I am today, and I will value that all my life."

That is why Ronda asked "not to be afraid to say that we are Valencian, to our culture, to our traditions". Ronda «Now is the time for change, enough of benefits for a few, of elitist policies, we are tired. Now is the time to recover our identity and fight for our values.".

Eva Ronda at the 9 d'Octubre ceremony

To finish his speech, Eva Ronda read some words of Vicent Andrés Estelles: "There you go is the awareness of not being real if you are not people."

To the tune of Muixeranga performed by the Colla La

07 Offering flowers Compromís

Statue removed the laurel wreath that had placed the City

With pretty unstable weather until the last minute not the plaza was prepared to celebrate the act of Comrpomís for fear of rain. In the 11 morning he should start all over, but it was at that time when militants began to arrive and councilors to prepare the act.

At that time, at the foot of the statue of Jaume I had a laurel wreath that had been placed from the city of Dénia as an offering, a crown that militants removed and placed back to the statue to celebrate his act.

Compromís activists removed laurel crown Hall

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