
The Xicalla West transforms your presentation in a mascletà

November 08 from 2010 - 00: 00

Gal.la Sivera Febrer was presented as Fallera Mayor Infantil West on Sunday morning. Emulating a mascletà, the Xicalla West took the stage to accompany Gal.la Martí and Josep Puig, president of this exercise child.

Toni Vargas, Josep cousin, was on hand to dedicate a few words to the Children's president, and stayed on stage to help presenters to prepare the mascletà.

Aida Català and Sergi Castle, outgoing child charges, passed the baton to the new ones with a few farewell words in which both remembered their families and the friendships they had made during the year.

The exaltation of Gal.la was carried out by his cousin Raquel Sánchez Febrer who, excited, remembered the short but intense life fallera of Gal.la.

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