Pharmacies - "Salud" - Society

And launch the new electronic prescription

04 June 2013 - 10: 40

Tuesday started operating the new electronic prescriptions, a new format that incorporates a bar code -RELE- which contains the drug name the months of the year and days of collection containers at the pharmacy.

With electronic prescriptions, administrative procedures are simplified and reduced visits to the health center because doctors may prescribe treatments for chronic patients for a year.

the rational use of the drug is also favored because the required amount is dispensed and thus the accumulation and subsequent forfeiture is avoided.

When the patient goes to the pharmacy, simply submit your SIP card, reading thanks to which the farnmacéutico gets on the computer all the medication that the patient has yet to be dispensed.

Patients who do not have SIP, either because they are of another autonomous community or because they are foreigners, giving them a high prescribe provisional SIP so that they can also use the new electronic format.

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