
[VIDEO] New season at the CIDEB of Pedreguer, one of the largest Buddhist temples in Europe

12 September 2018 - 07: 59

El International Center for Buddhist Studies (CIDEB) for the Sakya Foundation in Pedreguer begins this Wednesday, 12 September, the season of events, courses and retreats of autumn-winter. During the next months, the center opens its doors to talks, open doors and meditation.

The same September 12 start the course The meditator's nest, based on a classic manual of Tibetan Buddhism of the Sakya lineage, with which Lama Rinchen Gyaltsen, the resident teacher of the center and director of the same, will guide the meditations and give advice on how to apply them to everyday life.

From 11 to 14 in October Lama Rinchen will also teach together with the psychologist Jorge Moltó of the society of psychologists Elephant Plena the course Emotional balance, a theoretical-practical course for people interested in knowing how emotions work and how to achieve emotional stability. A course especially recommended for professionals who work with people.

From the 23 to the 25 for November Augusto Shantena will teach the course Quantum physics and Buddhism. This physicist and philosopher, reviewing the most recent scientific studies and Buddhist philosophy, will work on theory and practice with guided meditations, on the common idea for science and Buddhism, that there are no objects separate from the beings that perceive them.

Among the events, to the well-known Visit our campus in Madrid, cineforum proposals, weekend retreats, as well as the invitation to celebrate the day October 31 in the center, the Lha Bab Duchen, or day of the four main milestones in the life of Buddha.

The weekly proposals for free meditation sessions and public lectures given by Lama Rinchen Gyaltsen continue this autumn-winter, as do the classes of Hatha Yoga weekly

The CIDEB will dismiss the year as usual, with a meditation retreat and another initiation to Tara Verde, the Buddha who represents fearlessness, compassion and wisdom. With the practice of meditation on this Buddha and the repetition of his mantra to welcome a new year gives the possibility of awakening those same qualities.

The CIDEB offers from 2006 teachings on Tibetan Buddhism taught by internationally renowned masters and since 2014 numerous free online courses recorded in the face-to-face courses.

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