PP - 28M elections - Politics

«Vicent Grimalt says that people come first and he has been promising a new residence or a new Raquel Payà for 8 years that have not arrived»

21 March 2023 - 08: 23

Today the Councilor for Equality and Inclusive Policies, Aitana Mas, visited Dénia, where she met with the mayor, Vicent Grimalt, and members of the Corporation, to discuss the progress of the actions planned within the Pla Convivint de Infraestructuras Sociales. Some infrastructures that do not arrive.

It is a shame that they come from the Ministry to sell investments that never arrive, all with the complacency of the mayor Vicent Grimalt. In recent weeks we have met with different social entities, such as Aprosdeco or Ludai and we have learned first-hand about their problems.

Social associations need urgent help. Vicent Grimalt says that people come first and he has been promising a new residence or a new Raquel Payà that has not arrived for 8 years.

Pepa Font

The Ministry of Equality and Inclusive Policies led by Compromís points out that Aitana Mas has come to Dénia on three occasions promising investments and the reality is that she is cutting back on social policies, as is happening with Ludai, who intend to cut the hours of the sessions of the small, to reduce the waiting list, instead of hiring more staff.

Finally, the Ministry listens to Amadem, associations that are in charge of working with patients with mental health problems in the Marina Alta, after more than 8 years of claims requesting this mental health center, although sadly this proposal comes during the electoral period, so I doubt its effectiveness. The Minister and the mayor have simply come to take the photo.

There are too many unfulfilled commitments by the current government.

Pepa Font, candidate for mayor of Dénia for the Popular Party.

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