
Neighbors of Dénia attack the installation of the fairground in a residential area

21 July 2021 - 16: 45

Dozens of residents of Avenida Miguel Hernández and its surroundings have come together to show their discomfort at the new location of the Dénia amusement fair. After nearly 20 years taking place on the esplanade of the Port of Dénia, the fair has changed, this summer, its location, specifically to a private plot on Avenida Miguel Hernández surrounded by houses.

Image: Amusement fair installationAmusement fair installation

El inicio del montaje de algunas atracciones ha provocado, desde hace unos días, gran malestar entre los residentes de la zona, quienes se han unido para trasladar una queja conjunta ante la administración municipal. Los vecinos señalan que «el ruido (nivel de decibelios) que provoca en conjunto la feria y el horario de esta actividad es incompatible con el descanso, e instalarse en una zona rodeada de viviendas es inviable».

In fact, from the City Council itself, which has nothing to do with this celebration, they confirm that the activity license requested by the fairgrounds, as of today, is not granted. Municipal sources state that the license application had various deficiencies that at noon this Wednesday had not yet been corrected.

Amusement fair installation

Likewise, the same sources of the consistory have insisted that the installation of the fair is private, carried out by the showmen themselves, who a few weeks ago, before the impossibility of re-setting up their businesses on the port breakwater the transfer of a municipal parcel to the City Council, a request that was denied so they looked for the alternative of a private property.

From the Dianense City Council they clarify that in case of finally complying with all the requirements set for the granting of the license, it will be controlled that all the regulations and marked measures are met.

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