Culture - Theater

A Russian theater company will inaugurate the "24 Mostra de Teatre Ciutat de Dénia"

May 26 from 2014 - 13: 57

At the gates of fulfilling silver weddings, the theater in Dénia has an important appointment just around the corner. Between the 5 and the 14 in June, the city celebrates the "24 Mostra de Teatre Ciutat de Dénia", a benchmark already on the Dianense cultural agenda.

The director of the show, Mario Passero, has been in charge of presenting this edition, which presents a qualified program of "amazing, fun and different" by the youth councilor, Isabel Gallego.

Undoubtedly one of the most striking things about this edition of the show is the performance of the Russian company Kamernaya Scene, which come direct from Moscow and will represent, on Thursday 5 of June, the work "One more time about love" in its original language.

In order for the public to be able to follow the work despite the fact that it is represented in Russian, an explanation in Spanish of the subject will be made at the beginning. And with this commitment, the Mostra wants to promote teaching and theatrical learning and make it accessible to everyone.

On Friday 6 the county company Tremenduskas productions will play "It's not that easy", by Paco Mir, and Saturday 7 will be the turn of another of the curiosities of this edition: The 12 Petistable, coming from Lleida, will interpret "Mysterious", a work performed by children from 12 years.

The 24 Mostra de Teatre Ciutat de Dénia will resume the performances on Wednesday 11 of June with "Cinderella behind bars", by the Polish Janusz Glowacki, in charge of the regional group ECCP.

Thursday June 12 Almadraba Theater, from El Campello, will interpret the collective creation of the group "Too Faustus too Furious", and on Friday it will be the turn of a classic, "Tartuf", of Molière, in charge of the group Theater of l'Abast.

The performances will end on Saturday 14 of June with "The Greek is left over", a creation based on Les Luthiers by the Valencian company Quatre Stres.

That same day the closing of this edition will take place, with the awards for Best Actor, Best Actress, Best Direction, Award for the Use of Valencian, endowed with 300 euros thanks to the Baleària Foundation, and the audience award, which will have in his power once again choose the best work of the Show. In addition to these awards, several special mentions will also be awarded.

Vertiente solidarity

As has been usual in recent years, the Mostra continues to have a solidary side, and this year will allocate the collection to Condemned to Curb, the organization that Jimmy Higueras directs and that fights for the integration of people with disabilities in the region.

The tickets, with a price of 5 euros for the general public and 3 euros for people with Llunàtics cards or retirees, will be destined to help as far as possible to Condenados al Curzon.

Jimmy Higueras, present at the press conference, said he was happy that at all times people want to help their organization without them asking for it. According afrimó, "the amount doesn't matter" that is collected, that will go to something that is needed.

To support the integration of these people, many of them will collaborate in the sale of Mostra tickets, so the box office will vary from place to fit the needs of the volunteers who are every day in ticket sales.

All the works will be represented in the Dénia Social Center and will begin at the 20: 30 hours.

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