Politics - 28M elections - PSPV

"An electoral program to continue transforming Dénia"

February 23 from 2023 - 14: 10

The government program with which the PSPV-PSOE Dénia will run in the municipal elections will have the vistiplau of the local executive, who will meet to approve the final version.

Image: Meeting of the executive of the PSPV-PSOE DéniaMeeting of the executive of the PSPV-PSOE Dénia

The program of the government of the Socialists of Dénia consists of two parts: the new actions with which the candidacy "will return to excite the citizenship" and which is donated to connect in a public presentation; and a first section that recalls "what we have in the four-year-olds, the basis on which we will consolidate the best transformation of Dénia", will be stated by the general secretary and current mayor of the city, Vicent Grimalt.

«Because the socialist project for the city of Dénia is an integral project of change of model and future, sustainable and prosperous, for the municipality; the project that we will begin to develop in 2015, the one that has hit the city in vuit anys and the one that will achieve the absolute majority, the full confidence of the veins and veins”, Grimalt will highlight.

The bases of the new program, doncs, maintain with great fites:

"This is the Dénia program that does not stop nor has it stopped", the general secretary will insist, "unfortunate the bumpy legislature that we have viscut, with great storms, a world pandemic and inflation derived from the war in Ukraine".

«Com es nota que venen eleccions, hem d’escoltar ara…»

Tanmateix, in the darker four years, great works have been completed with the redevelopment of Camí de Sant Joan and Carrers Major, Pare Pere and Plaça de Valgamediós. And in marcha is the great transformation of the center of Dénia, the execution of the new Glorieta and the necessary inn at the point of Marqués de Campo, two spaces guanyats for the people; May they mill in the new garden of the old ambulatory site.

In the sports arena, this legislature also includes the new athletics track, the sports gym (requested by the citizens through the Participatory Press), the soccer field in the soccer fields, the women's pavilion Joan Fuster (new basketball courts and scoreboards and new pavement).

From May 2021, the construction of the pedestrian path that has changed the name of the Bosc de Diana, which thanks to the Next Generation funds will end in the legislature following the great green lung of Dénia with a definitive project.

The Pla Edificant has continued to improve the educational infrastructures of the city and has obtained the confirmation from the Department of the inclusion of two new centers that are highly necessary, the new conservatory and the integral center of FP Gent de Mar.

And in this mateix àmbit, the completion in breu of the works of the new aulari d'Infantil of the col legi Pou de la Muntanya allows to fulfill an expected promise: the Museu Fester, which will be enabled in the Rodat, because the col lectius failed The Moors and Christians have a space for exhibitions and celebrations of various activities.

Since 2019, the transformation of the urban space with more spaces for people and the commitment to a perimeter circulation that reduces traffic in the center, has progressed parallel to the opening of new public parking zones i gratuït: fins a 2.500 tea places currently Dénia.

El nou contracte de neteja urbana i recollida del fem s’ha gestat també en aquesta legislatura; i l’adjudicació del contracte de serveis energètics i manteniment de l’enllumenat públic és ja una realitat, un contracte que permetrà rebaixar-ne fins a un 70% l’actual consum energètic.

«We have not stopped working from the city council, in fer reality the great projects of the city, which they are going to commit both the citizens to execute, and in milling the day to day of the locals and locals». As an example of these performances "petites, but which represent a notable million in the well-being of the citizenry", the effort is carried out in the children's parks (they have renovated four years on the two plaça Jaume I , s'ha created the one of the plaça d'Enric Valor, davant de l'Arxiu Municipal, and s'han millorat those of the Via and l'esplanada de Cervantes), and in the asphalt of streets to the disseminat and also to the nucli urbà (neighborhood of Baix la Mar, Saladar, among a few others) and in the industrial estate.

«I continue to work hard because, whether elections come or not, we govern the city with maximum responsibility».

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