Politics - PSPV

A cultural and festive space as one of the main cultural measures of the PSPV-PSOE

May 10 from 2019 - 18: 46

A cultural and festive space, which can be used by various associations in the city, is one of the main bets of the Socialist Party in cultural matters.

Last Thursday afternoon, before the official start of the campaign, the headquarters of the Historiador Palau party hosted a new day of talks with the neighbors, which on this occasion addressed the culture and festivities of the city.

On this occasion, Maite Agulles, Paco Bertomeu and Abel Miralles participated, thoroughly knowledgeable about music, theater and the fallas of Dénia, respectively.

During the talk, the Socialists explained that they propose in their program the enhancement of the figure of Juan Chabás, enhancing his legacy with the implementation of the Ciudad de Dénia literary prize that bears his name, and retake the City of Dénia Painting Contest that It has not been called for years.

En cuanto al patrimonio arqueológico de la ciudad, los Socialistas de Dénia apuestan para dar servicio de visitas guiadas continuadas que vaya más allá de la temporada estival, la creación de una exposición permanente de memoria histórica – democrática de la ciudad, la metida en marcha de una web o blog con actualizaciones periódicas del Museo que le permita posicionarse como una entidad moderna y actualizada que llegue al gran público ofreciendo información relacionada con la historia y la cultura de nuestra ciudad, la implementación del patrimonio cultural e histórico en las redes sociales.

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