Moors and Christians - Leisure

Surprises and novelties in the program of the Moors and Christians in honor of Sant Roc

27 July 2012 - 00: 47

The president of the AMMICC, Josele Maldonado, presented the official program of the Moors and Christians Festival in honor of Sant Roc. A party that last year was followed by more than 25.000 people during its Gala Parade and in which 16 filàs and about 400 revelers participated. During the presentation, Maldonado was accompanied by the councilor for Fiestas, Paco Arnau, the Moorish and Christian captains, Justo Morales and Francisco Caselles, and the town crier for the 2012 Fiestas, Pangel Albi. In his speech, Josele Maldonado thanked the City Council for its support, the involvement of Pangel Albi as a town crier and the effort made by both captains. The president of the AMMICC presented a program loaded with new features compared to the previous edition. Maldonado expressed that it was necessary to give the program some touches that would increase the appeal of the festival without neglecting the essence of the Moors and Christians.

The preliminaries to the feast begin on Friday, August 3, at 21: 30h with the usual Gala Dinner in the Halls the Poblet.

Saturday, August 4 will be held at 20: 30h the Pregón Fester, Key collection and raising of Estandartes from the Plaza del Consell. Monday, August 6 will begin activity in Kabyle with the opening of Filaes.

Tuesday, August 7, 21 be held at: 30h Reception Christian Captaincy, whose headquarters are at Calle Mayor, and an informal parade will take place. The operation will be repeated on Thursday, August 9, this time in the Captaincy Mora, whose headquarters is located in the Avenida de Alicante corner with Calle Sagunto. 20h: During that weekend visit to a hospice Saint Lucia, Saturday morning, and festive music concert, in charge of the Musical Arts Association of Dénia, on Sunday at 00 will also be held.

The public events of the party will begin on Monday, August 13, at 20:00 p.m. with the Concentration of Bandos in the Port of Dénia to carry out the traditional Landing Act, suppressed last year for reasons regulated in the security regulations. This year the Moorish side will embark at the Dénia Marina port and will head towards an area of ​​the port near the Balearia Offices. Once the event is over, at 21:00 p.m., the Truce Signing will be held in the Plaza del Consell and, an hour later, the Camping Dinner that will take place in the section of Magallanes street that borders the street Diana.

Tuesday, August 14, will open the program courtesy visits to the captaincy at 12: 00h. In the afternoon, the Children's Parade will take place and at the end, the acclaimed Band Concert in the Plaza del Consell, led once again by the Dianense director Javier Pinto. Festive midnight arrival will focus on the Plaza del Consell for an informal into the center of Denia.

On Wednesday morning, 15 in August, there will be parades of the different filàes and 19: 00h will be the most important event of all the Moors and Christians festivities, the Great Gala Parade. Maldonado said that in this edition the Moor and Christian boats will be full of surprises. Therefore, the president showed his deep gratitude to the superior effort made for this year's Gala Parade.

The next day, the revelers will say goodbye to the Moors and Christians. Before the Mass in honor of Sant Roc (Church of the Assumption at 11: 30h), the revelers will collect the powder used to 13: 00h Round the Walls, where you will find a place of Christian Arenga and the Battle of musketry. In the afternoon, the Plaza del Consell house the Parliament, Accountability and Miracle Mist, at 19: 00h. From there, around the 20 they are addressed: 00h, the procession in honor of Sant Roc. Once finished the liturgical ceremony march to celebrate the Retreta and final shot that will be held at 21: 30h. The party ends at 00: 00h a fireworks display, by the Council of Celebrations of the City of Dénia.

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