Ciudadanos - Politics

Sergio Benito (C's) asks for specific training in hiring for municipal technicians

21 June 2018 - 08: 03

The Councilor for Citizens in Dénia, Sergio Benito, has urged the local government team to specifically train municipal technicians in the new hiring regulations.

Benito, "It is essential that technicians and politicians move forward with a decisive step towards hiring beyond any doubt, which requires a significant change in the way in which contests are raised and resolved".

Benito has explained that the conditions for the contests are often unnecessarily complicated, both for those who present themselves and for the technicians who must value them, and who "Unfortunately we have to discuss with the technicians too much but they have to understand that it is not against them, but against obsolete procedures".

That is why in addition to training from Citizens ask the government team temporary hiring of a specialized service to help in the final push for this reform.

Meeting of the Territorial Committee of Las Marinas de Ciudadanos

The Territorial Committee of Las Marinas de Ciudadanos (Cs) met in Villajoyosa to approve the territorial strategic plan that the groups will follow until the municipal elections to be held next year.

The plan, as explained by the coordinator of Institutional Relations and Councilor of Benidorm, Juan Balastegui, "Its objectives are to mark the road map to consolidate the Citizens project in the two Marinas, promoting groupings in those populations where there are not yet, given the increase in registered membership, and define and address the important issues that affect the most of 52 municipalities in the territory to present both individual and joint solutions and strategies ".

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