Compromís - 28M elections - Politics

“Sense to stop… de fer anuncis”

27 March 2023 - 15: 57

Since one week, we have seen a constant drop of press announcements from the City Council of our city of future projects, upcoming works or investments for the next few years, as if there weren't anything else. Incús amb planols, amb la seua correspondent despesa por fer-los, showing here an appearance of frenetic activity by the City Council, of a City Council sense to stop their projects. But clearly, suddenly and stop to think, look around and say: “this news is sounding, won't they announce it anytime soon?” or “Did this announce the van fer ja in 2019? This is 2023 right? Clar i de sobte penses: “I during four years no s'ha pogut avançar en cap d'ells si ja els havien annunciat?”

Image: Valen Alcalà, Compromís per DéniaValen Alcalà, Compromís per Dénia

What is going on in the light of the fact that it would be great news that all the projects announced in the last few days were projects carried out during the last legislature or were very close to being carried out, but the reality is that it is not the case. I have a very simple explanation: projects make no sense that they can be carried out-it will continue due to lack of ownership of the lands on fer-ho, financing of the projects themselves, a forecast of execution dates or simply that when the elections pass l' The government team does not follow the mateix and other people enter with different ideas. Ara, the news that is going to fer-se already have it, and disperse it in planols de projectes also the tenim feta des l'Ajuntament, amb els diners de tots i totes.

The policy of press headlines or the tweets is not the best for our Dénia. Announcing a project with a reality that is certain to become a reality hasn't invested municipal money in its projects, it does nothing more than cremate people and provoke mistrust towards institutions. I sumem, that all the projects that we are about to announce (pavelló d'esports nou, museu fester, l'edifici cultural de la Faroleta, la seu universitària, la nova plaça de l'antic ambulatori…) are projects with promises to them past elections, the cabreig face is better.

We cannot spend the public mitjans for fer electoral campaign of cap partit, Dénia does not s'ho mereix nor s'ho pot permetre. We have a city with many infrastructure deficiencies, still sports, cultural or mobility, and playing there consciously does not contribute to our city.

I per això, des de Compromís per Dénia ho tenim clar: No és temps de prometre, és temps de comprometre's amb la nostra ciutat i les seues necessitats. And one of them is a dialogue government that escorts the people to continue advancing.

The absolute majority of the current team of govern així ho demonstrates: they are twenty from fa a time com actuen sense to stop to think about the million for Dénia. In the past legislature, we will see the projects with different announcements before each electoral appointment. No. The projects are executed, as shown, the management of the Regidoria de Cultura amb Rafa al capdavant amb la nueva biblioteca pública del carrer Sant Josep, el Museu de la Mar, or in Esports com retornàvem a cloure a Dénia in the Circuit a Peu de la Marina Alta, or ho deixàvem all the point to the Trinquet de Vistaalegre to open it to the public and to be able to know of the second history all the citizens of Dénia, which ends the day of flight, they have stayed in l'oblit.

Hem passat d'anuncis de la dreta de teatres gegants en la port com La Nau (on ens spendm millions in maquetes i in exposicions d'eixes maquetes) there will be a government that does not escort for fer el mateix: announcing does not make sense to stop projects that do not They arrive to execute. More by more, with the comments from fans, both the plans have many attacks on so many we can conclude that Dénia has made a mistake in a project that no one assures that they are still achievable.

It is no coincidence that these weekdays ens trobem in these announcements, elections are coming, I must see that they are working and they are working, but the reality is what we live day by day: the need to pass the announcements to realities.

Diàleg, diàleg i més diàleg com va pasar en altres legislatures sense majorities. To keep moving forward Now we know how a government of rights works and a government that does not escort. It is time to change-ho, and pass from the announcements to the realities on the street. Because it is not a tract of "ara vindràn els de Compromís i ho arregran"... No, it is not eixa la qüestió. It is a matter of committing ourselves to our neighborhoods, our city and its day to day, and to work together from the Town Hall for the benefit of the people and not to look at things in a partisan way.

Valen Alcalà, number 3 on the Compromís per Dénia list

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