Politics - PSD

Sancho (PSD) will create an employment council to end unemployment in Dénia

May 10 from 2011 - 18: 18

The number four of the candidacy of the PSD, Antonio Woodward, has announced the plans that the PSD has to alleviate the problem of unemployment in our city: "We are going to give a solution to the unemployment in Dénia with the creation of a Department of Employment with the objective of managing properly the form to create employment".

According to Woodward, today there are other priorities, such as paying the money due to suppliers, before investing in projects such as La Nau. He has affirmed that there is now a "Moral obligation as is to pay and then we will invest."

From the PSD they propose «que los 9 millones de euros del Plan Confianza se distribuyan en diferentes proyectos para Dénia de una forma mucho más útil y racional y que sirva para dinamizar la economía local de Dénia».

The impact of this measure, according to Woodward, would be threefold: «por un lado daríamos trabajo a mucha gente local, ya que al diversificar los proyectos se daría opción a muchas empresas locales. Por otro lado, se desarrollarían proyectos que llevan pendiente de realizar mucho tiempo, con lo que seguramente se daría un cambio importante a la ciudad. Y por último, no nos endeudaríamos más.»

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