Culture - Theater

Rediscover the circus world: the Circarte Festival returns to Dénia

23 September 2019 - 11: 26

The Salom Sabar Foundation collaborates for the second consecutive year with the Circarte Contemporary Circus Festival to bring Dénia part of its programming. On Saturday 28 in September we can enjoy two shows of great technical and artistic quality in Dénia, and experience the circus in our own skin in the Workshop of Introduction to Circus Techniques.

Image: Aware circus showAware circus show

Circarte is a festival of contemporary circus that is held annually in six municipalities of the Province: Alicante, El Campello, Mutxamel, Sant Joan, San Vicente del Raspeig and, from 2018, also in Dénia.

28 will arrive in Dénia next Saturday in September with the following activities:

Taller «Circo en Familia»

«Un taller donde descubrir las técnicas de circo, malabares, equilibrios, monociclo, acrobacias… y pasar un rato divertido lanzando objetos por el aire, aprendiendo trucos con el diábolo, experimentando equilibrios imposibles o perfeccionando vuestras volteretas».

The Workshop will be taught by professionals from the contemporary circus of La Marina Social Club de Dénia, a space where you will find regular training throughout the year not only in circus techniques but a whole range of options between artistic creativity and sport by the hand of specialized professionals A place to discover new skills and hobbies.

Show RAR

«RAR… un espectáculo reflexivo y visceral donde las apariencias engañan y en las rarezas está la autenticidad».

RAR show

RAR is a human relationship expressed from the movement, with the circus, the gestural theater and the clown as tools. In this apocalyptic proposal, Balusca keeps the emotion of risk and its adrenaline to tell an imaginary story of overcoming. An absurd fantasy of gray color and deep symbolism. A universe without social codes that define. RAR is abrupt, direct and sincere. RAR is freedom.

Show Aware

Aware propone una experiencia donde conectar con la fragilidad, el amor, la lucha, la ternura, la fuerza, la alegría… a través de relaciones entre personajes que se presentan utilizando lenguajes como la acrodanza, la cuerda floja, el mástil y los malabares. La música aparece como nexo y argumento del espectáculo para crear esta historia con curiosos instrumentos como la kora, la txalaparta, el piano, la batería, la kalimba o un arpa de boca. Más de treinta metros de cuerda, dos mástiles, cuatro tablones, ocho instrumentos, siete pelotas, cuatro intérpretes y un montón de emociones en un espectáculo sutil, delicado y diferente.

Circarte circus workshop
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