Gent of Dénia - Politics

Gent of Dénia program

May 12 from 2011 - 20: 15

In Gent de Dénia we are committed to a program that is coherent, realistic and in line with the current situation. That is why we are going to rely on "Little Big Things", those that worry all the members of the family, regardless of age. Because we know the Dénia they want, and the one we want:

We want a Dénia TRANSITABLE:

• Pedestrianize the center
• Use the Mobility Plan, which today is asleep in a drawer.
• Perimeter car parks.
• Public transport
• Improve the Denibici service
• A North Round with access to the port.

The city must work and give the image that works. We want to recover the urban environment, thereby improving trade and hospitality. That way we will get that open mall that we all want.

We are a city that lives on tourism and we want to achieve: ACCESSIBILITY, MOBILITY, IMAGE AND ABOVE ALL QUALITY.

We want a Dénia CIVIC:

Why do not some people care for the public facilities that belong to everyone? Why some people do not take care of the urban furniture that belongs to everyone? Why do not some people keep the streets that are everyone clean? Why do dogs, because of some owners, fill the streets with excrement and nothing happens?

We do not think it is good for graffiti walls to fill up, for lively and vandalistic behavior to proliferate, for leisure areas to exist in residential areas.

It is also our responsibility to put the means so that these grievances do not occur to the community. That is why we will put into operation a specific service integrated by different departments: environment, works and services and local police, to inform and enforce the ordinances of coexistence.

We want a Dénia SOLVENTE:

From the town hall we have to do something to improve the economic situation we are going through, to bring ideas and commitments so that people can better overcome this deep crisis.

We have to pay suppliers: it is a priority, so we will look for the financing systems necessary to meet citizens. Prioritizing services, reviewing homes that do not pay IBI. We will not raise taxes, but we will rationalize some rates so that some services are self-financing.

We will create from a mixed company system that manages the adjudications of works, services, projects, legal advice, etc. For companies, self-employed or technicians of Denia that adhere to this company.

We want a PARTICIPATORY Dénia:

A Dénia in which the citizens and the groups have real implication, in which a specific department is set up to monitor the complaints and proposals so that they do not get lost in the way of the bureaucracy. Let the voice of the residents of Denia be heard and control the rulers in periodic meetings. In short, to truly involve the population in the improvement of our city.

In Gent de Dénia we want to be more for you, to work for you.

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