Ciudadanos - Politics

Susana Mut's opinion: "Seeing them nervous about their family and friends still living there, nervous about how their children are going to be treated here, is really moving"

06 2022 April - 14: 53

The current war in Ukraine touches all of us very, very close to our hearts. Who does not have a Ukrainian or Russian friend, neighbor or student? Seeing them, one and the other, nervous about their relatives and friends still living there, nervous about how their children are going to be treated here, is really moving.

Image: Concentration in Dénia against the war in UkraineConcentration in Dénia against the war in Ukraine

That in the XNUMXst century we have to explain to our children that a man has decided to start a war, for reasons that are very debatable and difficult to understand, that we hear on the news that even children are dying. That real human massacres are being carried out is so unfortunate, so incomprehensible and so sad.

And while you, as a mother, try to explain to your daughter what is happening in the best possible way, not so far from here, but you try to reassure her, telling her that, luckily, we live in another country. A democratic country, in which such a subject does not rule, you meet a mother who is broken inside because although she no longer lives in Russia and does not support what is happening at all, she even has family in both countries . She is deeply concerned about how her little girl will be treated, solely because of where she comes from. Families are going through enough without having to worry about what they will say to their children at school or in high school.

That is where our work takes on all its meaning. Our job as parents and as teachers, in my case, is to make sure that under no circumstances will a child be marked by its origin, that it will not be held responsible for anything. We must try to limit the news that our little ones hear about it and let them explain what they have heard and explain in a simple way the doubts they show about it.

While the usual thing is that we hear parents and teachers complain about the ratio, that famous ratio that makes our classrooms full of children, and that the teachers complain, we complain, of not being able to serve our little ones in the best way, look where, now that famous ratio has increased by 2,5 students per classroom due to the waiting for Ukrainian refugees, and no one is complaining, on the contrary, in this case it seems that each and every one of the teachers is waiting, wishing Let these little ones arrive from the Ukraine, and thus, do their bit against this absurd war.

And the delighted, excited students, with their innocence and their typical eloquence explaining that they are going to have new friends, who come from Ukraine to their classes to be happy, to play, to be able to sleep peacefully. That they speak another language, but that nothing happens, that with signs we all understand each other. How right they are!
To see the happy faces of these new students, who although they do not speak our language, make themselves understood and understand us, to see the joy with which they come to school every day, and to see the happy faces of their new classmates, so happy to being able to help them, play with them, teach them the language, make their lives a little happier, that, that is priceless.

Yes, it is wonderful to see such wonderful things come out of horrible things. Hopefully this barbarism ends soon and does not happen again.

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