Politics - PSPV

Opinion of M. Josep Ripoll, councilor for Territory and Urban Quality: La nova Dénia en la nova normalitat

May 08 from 2020 - 15: 55

Of sobte, the crua and unexpected irruption of the COVID-19 to the nostres vines ens has clavat pressa in the process of conceptualization of a different city, nova, in which molts ja hi pensàvem i hi treballàvem des de fa temps. Ara, in l'horitzó més immediat apparent, faces diffuse, a nova normalitat en què, paradoxalment, l'espai public, com més obert millor, com més peatonal millor, com més lliure de cotxes i aglomeracions molt millor, se'ns presents with the receptionist so as not to regress in the camí guanyat to the coronavirus.

Image: Maria Josep Ripoll, councilor for Territory and Urban QualityMaria Josep Ripoll, councilor for Territory and Urban Quality

I, of sobte, mesures that I had in the phase of study to transform Dénia, as always hem dit, in a city for people, they are perfect for facilitating the return to life of our municipality after these mesos confinement durs. From dilluns, not only the social life, but also the economy is reactivating a little more and more to combine the gains of normality with the restrictions that hem must comply rigorously, among them, the measures of distance.

With this object, from the City Council of Dénia ja hem announced that the carrer del Marqués de Campo is close to traffic. Starting next week, the main street of the city will be only for those who are traveling and who will be able to pass-hi and an-hi to buy manteint les distàncies demanides. It will also make it easier for hospitality and retail establishments to restart the activity in the new conditions.

But, moreover, in the rest of the city, the mateixa philosophy will apply: expand the language for people, because they are safe. Hem thought about eixamplar les voreres, by moment amb elements provisionals that mark les noves dimensions; to donate continuity to passages like that of Saladar, with the steps of vianants in the encreuaments; prendre mesures de pacificació del trànsit…

In short, it is a matter of prioritizing people. If there is something that has happened during this crisis, it faces not so much, it is that they prioritize s'aclareixen quan la por i la incertessa, les quals estem poc customumats en les nostres societats del benestar, they begin to assetjarnos. Ara, more than mai, volem passejar, fer esport, take care of us, veure els nostres fills i filles play and córrer als carrers, gaudir del bon temps, no patir si els majors ixen. In short, we feel safe in the Spanish immediately and confidently that our nostre poble is.

In an inescapable way, se'ns has presented the opportunity to see how the Denia will be for the people to whom the current team of governors of the city aspires. I n'estem convençuts that eixa nova Dénia hi has come to stay-s'hi.

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